Chapter Forty-Seven: Birthday Plans and Sexualities

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Vion's POV

At the Copeland/Booker Residence, later that evening...

"Your birthday's coming up, bro. Any big plans for you turning the big 1-7?" Quintarrus asked me as he and Damon were the ones spending time at my place after Uncle Donnie and I finished a mission in Cuba, me coming back home and changing out of my Joneus hero outfit.

I shurgged my shoulders, grabbing a fresh T-shirt. "Well, Aunt Mona and Uncle Donnie are working with the Westleys and Felicity to throw a small invite-only party at the manor," I commented as I slipped on some tennis shoes. "And this coming weekend, the guys are throwing me a Joneus-only weekend-long fling."

"I still can't believe that you're part of the brotherhood, man," Damon said. "Since coming here, you've made a lot of changes from the shy and closed-off guy that Halliday wanted you to be for her perfect sacrificial lamb. I'm still not over her hiring Erdogan to shoot you dead not too long ago."

"Who would?" Quintarrus remarked, eyes narrowing at the memory. "No one expected Erdogan to be the one to scare newcomers away from Westley and his crew. I thought that she was being distant and homesick, not working with Kenya to try to kill off our homeboy."

I sighed as I faced my male Guardian friends. "Well, we might have to keep a closer eye on her now that she's in town," I reminded the guys. "Who can say that she might try and go after Aunt Mona, De'Andre's mom and grandparents, or even you guys? If she had her way, Kenya could easily wipe this town clean and rebuild it in her image of haters, extremists, and any of her followers- if there's any left since all of them turned on her since she tried to assassinate me."

Quintarrus nodded in understanding. "Believe me, man, when I speak for this town, Holiday's family, and even my own family that the world would be a better place if Kenya Trenyce Halliday was never in it," he replied, his tone brooking no argument. "Someone needs to finally take her down for good."

"She'll get hers, bro, but let's talk about something else, like Vion's birthday this weekend," Damon said. To me, "How come you never told anyone that your birthday was this week?"

I huffed a breath. "I just never paid much attention to it since it was when Kenya would amplify her bullying tactics and make sure that I never had any celebrations," I explained. "Even when my parents were alive, Kenya would take the advantage to make me throw extravagant house parties, especially when my birthdays were on the weekends. She'd often remind me that my birthday wasn't worth celebrating and that I needed to be grateful that she was around to make sure that I made her happy. If my birthday fell on a school day, she'd hired her male cronies to beat me up even after I did her homework and cleaned up her mess. 'It's my gift to you and a reminder that you're useless unless I say so,' she'd say after her friends did their dirty work on me while she munched on chicken wings. 'And if I want to, I can easily take you out and make it look like you'd off yourself. No one other than your parents would miss you and I'd make sure that your resting place is in an unmarked grave.' And that was during middle school and the first two years of high school."

"Damn," Damon hissed, shaking his head in dismay.

"My thoughts exactly," Quintarrus echoed. "If I did that to my cousins, my kinfolk would send me to military school over in Hampton and sign an army contract to ship me out to war."

"I'd be homeless if I did that to Chasity," Damon said.

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Halliday and even the Newmans all agree that Kenya was a cold-hearted she-devil and apparently she still is. If not for them as well as my late parents and a few family friends; I'd be in the morgue by now while Kenya got to party hard. Anyway, I'm just glad that I'm here and with friends I can rely on."

Damon grinned. "Amen to that, bro," he said before his face got serious. "Can Quin and I talk to you about something?"

"Fire away."

The raven-haired quarterback sighed deeply. "Well, I know that you're a Son of Joneus and that there's been some homoerotic passions between you and your fellow members, especially with Thompson, the Westleys, and even your uncle," he began. "I'm not judging you or anything, just stating the facts of what I know so far. Anyway, I want to know if you had ever questioned your sexuality beforehand, before you came to Virginia and weren't dealing with Kenya."

I thought for a moment. "I did have some questions about that," I replied honestly. "I mean, I never gave it much thought until I left New Orleans and Kenya behind. To be real, I did have a  small crush on De'Andre and how he was a catch. It might surprise you two, but De'Andre confessed that he had some feelings for me during our initiation weekend and...well, we just clicked with each other as well as a few of the younger guys on the team."

Quintarrus nodded slowly. "All right," he replied. "Well, Damon and I've been going steady with our respective girls Felicity and Tahira for a while, but they've been suspecting that my best friend and I had some feelings for each other."

"And do you?" I wanted to know.

I was NOT prepared to see Quintarrus pull Damon in for a deep kiss that lasted for ten seconds. "Does that answer your question?" the latter asked.

"Wow," I breathed. "Does anyone know about-"

"Brian and his dad know, as do the girls. But our parents come from conservative households, so they might not understand. Superintendent Westley has been offering us a position to join the brotherhood, but we never thought he'd be serious," Damon commented. "Chasity thinks it's a good idea to join, though. I'm just worried about the backlash Quin and I could get from the team  since some of them are more or less homophobic than others."

"Then you might want to accept," I told him. "Not only that, let the coach know of your sexual orientation changes and have him talk to the team. If they turn out to be homophobes, then it's their business and not yours."

"I guess we'll also need to end things with Tahira and Felicity," Quintarrus said. "At least they'll be understanding and we can let them down easy. Besides, I think Tahira has a thing with Rocky Serkis from the marching band while Felicity's being asked around by one of juniors from the AV Club."

I bit back a laugh just as my phone buzzed. Chasity. "Hey, Erskine," I greeted. "I'm with your brother and Quintarrus and- wait, what? You're joking! Are you sure? Okay, I'll let my uncle and the guys know since they're here. Get the other girls and Quez and meet us at Slade's in ten."

"What's up?" Damon asked me.

I took a deep breath. "It's about Kenya," I breathed. "She's been spotted spitting in the urn that held my 'remains'  which Aunt Mona was taking to the cemetery while harassing her and Kenya's own family. But the main thing to know is that she's finally arrested!"

"What?!" the guys exclaimed. "Does Westley know?"

"Brian and his dad will once I call them, if Quez hasn't beat me to it," I said as I dialed his number. "Wow, this day has been full of surprises and it's not even the weekend!"

And that was the truth.

Damn right it is, readers! Ooh, wee! The tea and shade is piping hot all over in this chapter!

1.) Damon and Quintarrus have a thing for each other
2.) Kenya's in the slammer!

All I can tell you is that Kenya's one UNHAPPY hellcat who's bent on revenge after Nathan Bavier turned against her and she's being prepared to be sent back to the Angola Penitentiary in Louisiana...or is she? Stay tuned for the next chapter, folks, because it's going to be one killer-diller of a time!

Dedication: oopsillymilly.


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