Act One Prologue: Author's Introduction and The Theme of the Story

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Gentle reader.

You may not know me by now, but in due time you will. But right now, I can only guess that you either came by this story by word of mouth or by some random twist of fate. And I'm betting that you're a reader who likes to dive into the tales of the absurd, tales that are full of drama or maybe tales that your parents would not approve of. Whatever your tastes may be, I am pleased that you came across mine and I hope you'll at least read mine. Now, I will tell you that this story is going to be a rewrite of the original version and will contain an edgier storyline with characters with more-complex backgrounds, plenty of drama, and even the elements of science fiction, homoerotica, and teenage angst. But for the most part, it's a story of self-actualization for one young man who never had a chance to live life in the way he pleased.

I must warn you, however, that some contents will be on the mature side (the homoeroica, some coarse language, and even trigger warnings that mention bullying, suicidal thoughts,  mental/emotional illnesses) and are not meant for readers under 16 or the faint-hearted. As such, if this describes you then you are by no means allowed to go further than you already have. And if you feel that this story is not meant for your moral beliefs, then please seek lighter fare as this story is not meant for judgmental and cynical eyes. As the writer of this story, I personally believe that all people should have the right to live their lives without judgment or condemnation. If people learn to be more open-minded and stop judging one another, the world would be a much better place. Anyway, this story is not meant for those under 16 or the faint-hearted as well as those who do not like characters of color or diversity. Do not pass "Go" if this describes you.

Now if you like to take a walk on the wild side or even dare to go bold once in a while, then you are permitted to go forward once you have the proper necessities for your reading pleasure: a musical playlist (there is one for this story) with a sample of the lyrics from the song mentioned; snacks and drinks to keep you satisfied (alcohol is only recommended for the more mature readers- 21 and older), and a comfortable seating area where you can read either sitting down or lying down comfortably. It's also recommended that you turn off any distracting devices (unless the ones that regard family or emergency phone calls) and be secluded in a private space. If needed, read this story when in the privacy of your own homes. I will allow you this moment to do whatever is necessary to make sure that you have everything needed for your reading pleasure.

And now, gentle reader, are you seated comfortably? Then let's begin.


The evening star shines high and bright,
Its powerful glow is full of magic without end.
So close your eyes, make a wish, and hold on tight.
And anything can happen.

Stonehaven Pointe, Virginia.

Ten minutes away from Virginia Beach and an hour away from the main interstate, this small and charming coastal town is a town that has something for everyone- the trendy nightclubs for partygoers, charming shops for the tourists searching for a new addition for their collections, serene beaches for those who love to be near the water, and even some sporting teams for those who love to be in the bleachers or stadiums.

For those moving to town, Stonehaven Pointe is a charming place for anyone looking to escape the hustle and chaos of the large town yet doesn't want to be isolated in the rural towns. Great schools, access to several shopping centers, a wide variety of restaurants, and neighbors that are willing to help out their fellow men and women.

But little does everyone know is that there is indeed magic in the air once a person moves to town, especially when a male teenager arrives into the halls of Trotters Ridge High School (go Pirates). Sure, there's the usual social circles (athletes and populars, nerds, Goths and emo kids, theater kids, etc.) and the teachers usually do their business to keep things in order. But there's one particular club that always boggles and amaze everyone.

The John Dandy Boys' Club.

Starting in the late eighties, the all-male mentoring club would usually take in a new student (always a male) who is new to the area (or needs a new lifestyle after running into some trouble or just need a new friend to make) and show him the ropes around town. The club members usually participate in fundraising events for various activities and even help out in serving the community.

The teachers and parents would give them special attention and privileges.

Most of the students think that they're cool enough since they also participate in sporting events and support other clubs, inviting the boys over for weekend parties and hanging out after school. While other students would be neutral (At best) if not jealous and spiteful (at worst) towards any of the club members.

For the most part, the John Dandy Boys (or JDB, for short) were loved by everyone that they meet...but not everything is what they appear to be. Because behind closed doors lies the forbidden, supernatural, and sensual passions that lie at the beaches of Stonehaven Pointe. And dear friends, these men would do whatever it takes to keep their rendezvous away from prying eyes and cynical ears.


Bay'Vion Copeland.

Sixteen, quiet, academically gifted yet socially reserved.

The last three weeks of summer vacation back in New Orleans became the worst weeks of his life after losing his parents and unborn brother to a fatal car wreck. In between funeral preparations and getting ready to move to Stonehaven Falls, Virginia to live with his aunt Mona and uncle Donovan for his senior year; Bay'Vion (or Vion, for short) mainly kept to himself and would rather listen to his expansive collection of old-school R&B and country music than attend any farewell parties (other than the one held by his church) or get himself in trouble.

Vion knew that his parents worried about him since he was mainly the scrawniest and most timid kid of the lower-ninth ward and wanted him to make new friends outside of his church and other than the jail-bound teens that were ruining their futures or heading for the cemeteries. While they were relieved that he wasn't bullied or harassed, they were saddened to learn that he was treated as if he was invisible or old furniture- ignored, alone, and useless to anyone (even the drug dealers who just nodded while he walked past them).  What made things worse was the fact that his spiteful godsister Kenya Halliday made sure that he was kept to himself and made sure that he only relied on her.

Vion needed to break away from Kenya's toxic habits and would happily move to Virginia to stay with his relatives so he could do just that.

But what he didn't know is that his arrival at Stonehaven Pointe and his pre-debut at Trotters Ridge High would capture the attention of all the teenagers and their parents- especially a certain club who sees a lot of hidden potential in him despite Kenya's threats to ruin him if he didn't come back to New Orleans and remain as her whipping boy and personal slave.

Bay'Vion Copeland was in for one memorable senior year. And by the time he was set to graduate, nothing would ever be the same.


Now, dear reader, I give you a few moments to consider whether or not you are ready to dive into this tale full of forbidden passions, scandalous revelations, teenage angst that's full of its natural glory, and a world where the impossible is meaningless. Because once you turn to the first page of the first chapter, there will be no going back. If you aren't prepared to do such things yet risk it all to read this...then I can only say that I warned you. So if this is not meant for your moral beliefs, then put this story away and seek lighter fare.

But if you are willing to believe in the unbelievable and dare to cut losses so you can explore the wonders that await both you, Bay'Vion, and myself; then I guarantee you that you are in for a fantastically wondrous literal excursion of your life.

Now, dear reader, are you seated comfortably with snacks, drinks and music at your disposal and any distractions (save for family and emergency contacts) put away?

Then let's begin.

With love and due respect,
Sir Jay Dioncel Evers.

And just like that, the story is officially beginning. Chapter one is just around the corner, so stay tuned!

Song: "Suite IV: Electric Overture" by Janelle Monae. Dedication: JenLai29 (for being the first reader to vote on my story and the opening statements).


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