Chapter Forty-Eight

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Kenya's POV

Stonehaven Pointe Police Department and Corrections Facility...

I can't believe this bullshit right here!

Now, I will say that my encounter with Mona Booker and me spitting in Vion's urn was a bit much on my part, but I did it without remorse. Okay, I do have some remorse, but only because I got caught by the police and in broad daylight where everyone knew who I was. That's it.

Anyway, Nathan Bavier had just turned against me and announced that he's shutting down The Star of Bavier for good. I bet that he got bullied into it by this town right here. That, or decided that I wasn't worth his trouble anymore.

Whatever the case may be, I know that I got another person to add to my blacklist alongside my family (my parents alongside Talia and her family), my ex-boyfriend and his family, the Bookers, and even anyone and everyone who stands in my way of ending whatever's going on around here. The one thing that I can be happy about is that Vion is indeed dead for good, so I can be at ease about that.

This prison is a bit cleaner than the one back in Angola Penitentiary, though the other prisoners see me as someone to use as a punching bag. And with me being in the female wing with some of the more-hardcore convicts, I was definitely next to be turned into ground meat if not into someone's butch-lesbian lover. Too bad for them because I'm a purebred hetero.

The door to my prison cell swung open, revealing a handsome middle-aged man who looked as if he was born a royal: strawberry-blonde hair, a nicely-athletic body, and a face that ladies loved and guys envied. "Miss Kenya Halliday, we finally meet at last," he said in a smooth and crisp Southern accent. "Brian Westley, superintendent of schools and a good mentor of the late Bay'Vion Copeland."

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Ah, I'm only here to meet the woman who ended the life of a young man who could've gone places if it wasn't for you," he said. giving me a sneer. "And I must say that you're the ire of Stonehaven Pointe since you've been playing around with the wrong kind of townspeople who not only look out for one another but also make sure that none of your ilk dare to poison this town."

"Look, sir," I said, giving him my best "I'm-the-queen-bitch-so-don't-mess-with-me" stare. "I did what I had to do with Vion. He should've stayed with New Orleans with me and kissed my ass endlessly before I ended his life before junior year, not leaving me high and dry. I don't play around like that since I'm the Bourbon Street Queen. You may see me as a hateful bitch who wants to tear down people to feel good about myself, but that's who I am and I'll die being. If you don't like it, then your mama's a hoe!"

I swore that I saw a flash of rage in the man's eyes. But I don't care. "Well, at least I know where you stand, my dear girl," he calmly stated. "Unfortunately for you, your time here in Stonehaven Pointe has come to an end. The warden from Angola State Penitentiary is a good friend of mine and she's been itching to have you back in solitary confinement where you belong. If I had my way when you had Miss Erdogan kill Vion, I'd make sure that you get the electric chair and your body tossed in the swamp to be eaten by alligators. But since Vion wouldn't want that for you, I'm being quite generous in letting you live and grow old in prison. Once you do head back to Louisiana, the only way for you to escape is in a casket to be prepared for burial in an unmarked grave...just like you wanted for Vion. It's over for you, Miss Halliday. And like Mr. Houlton said in his article about you, I have nothing but contempt and hatred for you."

And with that, he left my cell just as the dinner hour approached, the prison guard tossing me a bologna sandwich, chips, and a cookie for my meal.

What a bastard.

It doesn't matter what he says about me, folks. I'm the Bourbon Street Queen and will die the Bourbon Street Queen from New Orleans. I'll let them try and transport me back to Louisiana, but I plan to come back and enact my campaign of revenge.

They say I'm crazy. I'll give them crazy. Watch me work! This town hasn't heard the last of me just yet, bitches. And soon, I'll give them one wild ride of their lives.

Kenya is one psychotic bitch, isn't she?! Unfortunately for us, folks, she means what she says as she'll plan to stick around and try to get her revenge. But don't worry, folks! I have MAJOR plans for her.

But coming up next, we're going a bit off-script  in the next two chapters featuring Quintarrus and Damon as they finally talk things out- and at Westley Manor, no less! Y'all, this is where the smutty and steamy goodness finally comes to play and I must warn you that the chapter after next is not suitable for the underage, the conservative, or the faint at heart! Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised.

Song: "Baddest Bitch" by Trina. Dedication: Ms_Horrendous.


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