Chapter Forty-Six: Olive Branches, Opportunities, and Betrayals

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Third-Person POV

Meanwhile, at Trotter's Ridge High School...

Nathan Bavier knew that the hands of luck were not on his side upon the launch of his blog Star of Bavier. The moment that it went live with the inaugural blog post, he had an uneasy feeling that he would bear the heat while Kenya Halliday got to easily hide out in her hotel room.

Gentle reader, he hated it when he was right because four days into his premiere debut at Trotter's Ridge High, he was the topic of scorn (and even pity) in the eyes of his classmates and staff members who all but boycotted the dirt-sheet website dedicated to ruin people's reputations and discredit the John Dandy Boys and Men.

Even his own parents were disappointed in him upon them knowing of his deal with Kenya Halliday and his initial contact with her. "You're bringing dishonor on our family name by having any contact with Miss Halliday," his dad had thundered angrily two days ago when the blog went live. "Miss Halliday is a young woman who ended the life of her own god-brother all because he got tired of her toxic lifestyle and their relationship. And to work with her in discrediting this town and the all-male mentoring organizations is somethign that only Robby would pull."

Needless to say, Nathan was instantly grounded with no access to his digital gadgets and his privileges revoked until further notice.

And now, he was currently finishing up his after-school detention with setting up the tables and snacks for the incoming PTA meeting. "God," he breathed as he placed the last of the chairs around the final table. "The sooner I get home and finish my homework, the sooner I can sit in my room and mope. Why did I let Kenya talk me into keeping the blog, I'll never know."

Just as he was about to sit down and catch his breath, Vice-Principal Talbot came inside the small gym and beckoned him over. Biting back a groan, the teenager dutifully made his way to the older man who was soon joined by the dark-skinned Amazon-esque principal. "Long day?" the latter commented.

"You have no idea," Nathan commented.

"Well, don't leave just yet because Fordham and I have an offer for you, one that might get you back in everyone's good graces," Vice-Principal Talbot said. "And this is a one-time offer, so be mindful of what's at stake if you think about saying no."

Nathan nodded. "All right," he said. "Let me head to my locker and grab my things."

"We'll escort you," Fordham commented. "We insist."

Nathan took a deep breath, knowing that it wasn't a simple request to refuse. "All right."

Why do I feel like I'm heading for something similar to "The Godfather?" Nathan thought to himself as he let the adults usher him to his locker so he can collect his backpack, books, and his tablet computer with accompanying bag. And why do I feel like I need to accept the offer if it means breaking away from Kenya? If this is another threat to shut down my blog, I'm cutting my losses and plan to run away from home so I can join the circus. It beats this nightmare that I'm living in.


Nathan couldn't believe that he was  currently sitting in front of one De'Marquez Houlton, editor-in-chief of The Daily Siren and owner of his personal weblog The Houlton Post- two websites that gained more traction in Stonehaven Pointe than the usual magazines sold in downtown. And as a blogger and aspiring columnist, he knew that he had screwed up royally for trying to go against one of the most-respected students in town. "Houlton," Nathan breathed. "I guess that you're the reason that I'm-"

"That I am, Bavier," Quez interrupted. "I must say that I'm quite disappointed in you. Although you did respect the wishes of not crashing the masquerade ball from this past weekend, you had to fall in the wrong crowd and led Miss Halliday seduce you into her way of thinking. That earned you a spot on everyone's blacklist, including mine, especially after launching such a tasteless blog that disrespects some good friends of mine."

Nathan's eyes went wide. This kid's good friends with those John Dandy guys?! Oh, fuck! I signed my death warrant by letting Kenya get to me. "In my defense, sir, I didn't know that she was...well, a bit unbalanced when I heard her side of the story," Nathan began. "Something told me that I shouldn't have met her in the first place."

"We all have our mistakes," Fordham commented gently. "But still, Mr. Bavier, you know that you're not going to have it much easier if you continue your campaign."

"I know, but she's not going to back down from her road to bloodshed. And if I know better, she hates anyone who betrays her. If I shut things down, Kenya's going to come after me next."

The adults and Quez nodded in understanding. "You feel like you're in too deep already," the latter deduced.

"Believe me, I know that the odds aren't in my favor," Nathan replied, lowering his head in shame. "How the hell can I walk away from someone who's the next version of Ted Bundy without getting a target on my back?"

"By working with me on the Daily Siren/Houlton Post, of course," Talbot replied. "Mr. Houlton's connected to the Westleys and they can promise you immunity while you work your way to being a reporter. Unfortunately, this means that you'll have to stop writing those diss articles against the townspeople and the John Dandy Boys and Men's Clubs, not to mention shutting down the site."

Nathan gaped at the older man, knowing that he meant every word. "Sir, that could spell disaster if I shut things down," he said worriedly. "As I said before, Kenya looks like the kind of person who hates treachery at all costs. I 'm not too sure that I can do that. But then again, she could still kill me and all that you guys stand for even if I remained loyal to her, so maybe it's best that I-"

His cellphone blared, interrupting his monologue. Kenya. He held a finger to his lips, pantomiming everyone to be quiet before he answered the phone and placed it on speaker. "Halliday, now's not a good time. I'm on my way home and-"

"Look, Bavier, I need for you to drop what you're doing and come see about me," the young woman's voice rang from the speakerphone. "I just got my ass arrested and I'm being shipped back to Angola in weeks. I can't go back there without killing everyone who put my ass in jail."

Everyone's eyes went wide with surprise. Composing himself, Nathan took a deep breath. "What do you want me to do?"

"I need you to find a way to bail my ass out so I can resume my plans to find my victims and end their fucking lives. If I gotta go back to Angola Prison, I need to make sure that no one on my list is left alive."

Nathan faced the adults and a frowning Quez, knowing that to follow her plans would mean the end of a one-time offer to start fresh. But if he refused...well, he already knew what might happened. It was time to cut his losses.

"I'm sorry, Halliday, but I can't. And for the record, me meeting you was a mistake. Consider the Star of Bavier dead." And before he heard her protests, he hung up and faced the now-smiling trio and his newly-arrived parents. "I'm in," he declared. "My weblog will be immediately shut down as of today."

"Smart choice," Fordham hummed, granting the teen a smile.

"To tell you the truth, I'm kind of glad that this is over."

Gentle reader, if only he knew that things were far from over as he would soon be let in on the best-kept secret while he now earned the wrath of a scorned Kenya Halliday. But never fret because all would be made clear in due time.

Hallelujah! Nathan's joining the allies, folks, and left Kenya to fend for herself! But let's just say that it only means he's on her blacklist.

Coming up next, we check in with the guys alongside Damon and Quintarrus as birthday plans and offers are being made.


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