Chapter Twenty: The Aftermath (End of Act One

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Kenya's POV

Angola Prison, outside of New Orleans, that afternoon....

I stumbled and fell onto the cold cemented floor, my face bruised while my body ached from the gruesome beating from the guards while the female warden (who could use a two-year subscription to Jenny Craig) glared at me with hatred in her eyes.

"Do you know what you have done, Halliday?!" she bellowed angrily, loud enough for the other prisoners who were in solitary confinement to hear her. "You've jsut ended the life of a young man who wanted to get away from you, a young man who could've had a great life and gone places if it wasn't for your wiles."

I snorted loudly, uncaring if my ribs were throbbing in pain. "Please," I said, rolling my eyes. "I was doing Vion a favor. I would've killed him anyway if he stayed like I asked him to. But since he didn't want to play ball by my rules, a painless killing was out of the question. And besides, he  didn't need those losers back in Virginia. He could've had it easier here. Well, I still would've bullied him and used him as my toy regardless, but an early death was better than now. But he didn't listen to me and I didn't want those pretty-boy abominations to have him. So I called up my contact and had her do what needed to be done."

I slumped back, bracing myself for another kick to my stomach that landed by a surly guard.

"Shameless," the warden spat at me, fists clenched tight. "My God, Miss Halliday, have you no shame? Are you really that bitter when it comes to-"

"Vion needed me, not some group of queers," I shot back, wincing in pain. "He should've been by my side or groveling at my feet for food that won't come to him or to kiss my ass and wipe it right, not abandoning me. I'm glad that I put him down. He and his parents should be thanking me when I get to heaven and they ask for God to have me join them. Hell, He might as well. I did him a favor."


I slumped back, reeling from the backhand that the warden herself landed on me. "! If Bay'Vion Copeland dies, I will PERSONALLY make sure that you end up in the electric chair myself," she said menacingly, her breath laced with tuna-fish melts. "I will be satisfied to watch you fry like catfish until you explode from the inside out. No one will attend your funeral and no one will care that you died."

She and the guards stormed from my solitary cell before the metal door slammed shut.

I sniggered to myself before laughing hysterically. "Ding-Dong, Bay'Vion is gone," I sang, grinning like I was the Cheshire cat. "Sorry, Vion, but I did what I had to do! You'll thank me when we're in heaven once again! You're dead and I'm alive."

I couldn't be happier.


Third-Person POV

Meanwhile, at Slade's Diner in downtown Stonehaven Pointe...

"Man," Quintarrus said morosely as he and the others gathered at the now-somber diner where almost everyone had heard of what happened to Vion. "I still can't believe that Erdogan had the nerve to shoot Vion dead like that, and by that...ooh, man, I don't want to call out of her name, but she's really done it!"

"Feeling's mutual," Chasity commented, frowning at her glass of soda. "Vion's shipped off to Memorial Hospital while Erdogan didn't make it. From what I know, she shot herself out of pure guilt."

"Guilty of being caught, I bet," Felicity said snidely, her eyes red from crying. "Vion was a good guy who messed with nobody and Halliday was beign a total bitch- that's right, I said it and you know she's a bitch- and wanted no one else to have him. She was being paranoid and bitter because the Westleys saw something in him that she didn't have: class."

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