Chapter Fifty-Five (A Beckham Suite)

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Robby's POV

Robby Beckham. Oh, wait. That's me.

A little bit demented and overzealous? Maybe, but all to make sure that what's done in the dark would soon be brought to light. And that's definitely true when it comes to exposing the frauds known as the John Dandy brotherhood- the one thorn in my side that never got away from me.

I've met them a lot of times since starting freshman year at Trotter's Ridge High, and even I knew that they were nothing but bad news. Every moment that I tried to expose them was met with failures, punishments, and a lot of contemptuous scorn from teachers plus mocking from less-than-understanding classmates. Everyone saw me as the "delusional AV kid who watched too many horror flicks and was a total Trump loyalist."

Hey, I learned a lot from watching all those supernatural films and reruns of The Twilight Zone and Outer Limits long enough to know that everything isn't what they seem to be. As for that statement about me being a fan of Donald Trump? Well, it is what it is. I can't confirm or deny that since it's no one's business but mine.

Don't judge me, folks. I got secrets, too, as many as you do.

Anyway, my family all but demanded that I toned it down since my sister Kaci was set to audition for the Sirens dance team or one of the baton twirlers (pointless because I thought she was way too fat to be a dancer- my opinon, not yours). But I knew that it was perfect timing since I was a mere freshman who wanted to make myself known. So when the pep rally for the Homecoming game arrived and Mr. Westley was set to speak, I had a gallon of paint and ice water ready to show everyone that Westley and his spawn bear the marks of aliens or cult leaders among this town.

Unfortunately, everything went to shit with Kaci almost ending her life (dramatic much?) and me being shipped off to Spag Union Military Academy up north to straighten me out before Mom and Dad signed an army contract to ship me off to war. That wasn't going to fly by me at all since I wasn't keen on dying in some pointless war.

So when the time came for me to be shipped off, I knew that I had to take action some kind of way. It only took a gun and bullets to take down my intended escorts before making my journey to Stonehaven to enact my plans for revenge. And when I heard all about Kenya Halliday and how she met my cousin Nathan (who decided to backstab her in the end, the punk-ass turd), I knew that I needed an alliance to ensure that her plans and my plans would not be fallen by the wayside. As for killing anyone who got in our way, that was a bonus since we wanted the world to know who we are.

And even now as Kenya and I celebrated our wins with rounds of hearty sex that would make an esteemed pornographer blush, the two of us knew that we had no time to lose. Should we be sent to jail for what we were going to do, we would not go down without taking a few people to their graves. Hey, misery does love company after all.

Stonehaven Pointe was in for a blood-stained reality check, folks, and my ebony-skinned Bonnie was going to be my Clyde as we intended to paint everything in blood! Watch out, pretty boys, here we come!

Oh, boy! Should I tell him that he and Kenya are going to face a lot of heat for what they got planned? Or should they just figure it out for themselves? All the same, they're in for a LOT of  surprises in the days to come!

Anyway, we check in with Vion once again as we see him talk to Mr. and Mrs. Beckham about this troublesome lad as well as Mr. & Mrs. Halliday about Kenya's wild ways going overboard. And I give you fair warning with a time-skip ahead. All that and more as we're now five chapters away from the finale of a lifetime! Stick around, folks!


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