Chapter Twenty-Nine: Initiation Weekend, Pt. Two

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A/N: Play song when directed: "Dark Horse (Acoustic Version)" by Katy Perry

Vion's POV

"Whoa," I breathed, taking stock of my body which was now more athletic than the previous state that I was in when I woke up from the coma in the hospital. My arms and legs were more like a football player's while my chest and abs had more definition and muscle. "What's going on here?"

Maybe it's part of the growing-up phase, I thought as I started to get dressed in the pastel-colored outfit by Tommy Hilfiger with accompanying Sperry shoes. And maybe I just needed to shower to get rid of the grime and clear the cobwebs out of my head. I was running on fumes lately with everything so far.

Just as I was finished tying my shoes, I saw the door open to reveal my uncle and the Thompson duo stroll in, De'Andre looking more buffer as he was dressed in Perry Ellis while his dad and my uncle seemed more youthful in casual Brioni pastels. "You clean up nice, Vion," De'Andre said. "And it looks like we're not the only ones who noticed that our bodies are more youthful and coming out of fitness magazines."

"Well, I feel a bit more energized after the shower," I replied, sitting up on the bed. "I mean, whatever was in those body washes and hair care products left me feeling electrified and revitalized all at once. Maybe the showers we took were what we needed since we were bogged down with everything."

"True," Uncle Donnie agreed, nodding his head. "So, you boys excited for what's coming ahead?"

"More than we know," I replied. "I told myself that once I accepted being a part of this brotherhood, I would burn all my bridges with the past and only focus on moving forward to the future and appreciating the present."

"Good to know, Vion," I heard Brian comment as he came inside with Wyatt following suit. "You guys clean up nice. Don't worry about your old clothes as the maids will take them to be cleaned and taken to the consignment shops. Your new outfits will be a part of what awaits for your next chapter with the brotherhoods. Now, I believe that the others are waiting for us all, so let's get a move on and enjoy the reception."

He didn't have to tell me twice. "I can't wait," I replied as I followed the others out of my guest room. All right, Vion, I told myself before shutting my bedroom door closed. Let the weekend begin!


Third-Person POV

As soon as he heard the bedroom door shut, Quez quietly snuck out of his hiding spot before stretching his arms and legs. "Well, damn," he hissed. "Who would've thought that playing 'I Spy' can be so tiring when you're hiding out?"


Quez nearly screamed at the sight of Bridget Humphries as she emerged out of the second closet. "Humphries?!" he whispered. "What the heck are you doing here?"

"I'm here to complete my dare for the dance team," Bridget commented. "And what are you doing here?"

"Doing some investigating of my own," Quez replied softly. "All the same, you and I are going to be in big trouble if we're caught. So for now, we continue to do our thing and keep out of each other's hair. Honestly, something tells me that this was a bad idea for me to go through with this."

"Ditto," Bridget agreed. "But I gotta go through with my final phase of the initiation if I want to make it to the Sirens dance team- stealing a kiss from Vion when he's napping. Once I do that, I am out of here."

"I'll join you," Quez said. "The moment you finish is when I'm ducking out of here. Something spooky is going on here and I don't like the looks of it. But for now, we gotta get back to the closets and hide. Be careful, Humphries."

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