Chapter 3- William Wallace's lunch

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It was now time for lunch at the academy. Everyone was eating food their parents made for them.

In an instant, there was a nice aroma in the air. The smell was nice, it smelled like beef and carrots with herbs in the mix of it. Eika Fuma, whom father is a policeman, decides to follow the smell.

The smell leads him to William Wallace, who seemed to be surprised at Eika Fuma smelling the air.

"Can I help you?" asked William Wallace as he was holding a steaming bowl.

"What type of stew is that it has a nice smell" asked Eika.

"It is a Boudican traveler's stew, I made it myself" William replied.

"You cook!?" said Eika surprised.

"Why yes, it's a basic skill, according to Macduff." said William.

Eika started scratching his head.

"I don't know how common that is where you're from, but here we usually have parents make our lunches for us" laughed Eika.

"Interesting" explained William Wallace. He then proceeded to eat his stew.

What really puzzled Eika in his short conversation with William Wallace, was he had not shown one shred of emotion.

From what has been seen so far, William Wallace never shows interest, nor angst at all, yet he seems wise and observant. What really puzzled everyone is how mature he is for his age, too mature in fact.

Himawari on the other hand, intertest was stroked. When casually talking with people, William Wallace speaks to them with a form of respect and humility. Despite most boys Himawari knew to be rebellious like her brother Boruto, William Wallace seemed to be the exact opposite. There was a certain aspect of discipline to his character. He acted like a retired hero from a fairy tale book. All these aspects amazed Himawari to the extent that she hoped over time to learn more about this Boudican boy named William Wallace.

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