Chapter 38 - Andrew Moray

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For nearly six years, Andrew Moray has been "warded" in the Castle Chester in East Gormandy

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For nearly six years, Andrew Moray has been "warded" in the Castle Chester in East Gormandy.

Six years now since the war has been lost and all of Boudica has been subjugated by the victor of the Gorman Baron's War.

Andrew had nothing but his thoughts in a room, he had spent six years sleeping in.

"I am the youngest knight in Boudican history." thought Andrew. "I was knighted when I was seven years old. My father, Sir Andrew of Petty, Justiciar of Scotia, knighted me himself, when we successfully invaded Gormandy, with a Boudican Feudal host from Caddonlee."

"I ask my father, why? I am only seven, I am not ready to be a knight yet, let me be a squire a little more, I am scared." thought Andrew. "And my father said these words, I will never forget:

Andrew, though ist named after me, thoust I hope to be greater than I, my son, we have never seen war before, we were fools to think the Baron's War in Gormandy would be the end of Boudican conflicts like one mere hiccup in Boudica's long history of peace, but alas it seems war is part of human nature.

Now, I have made you a Knight! For I hear, Balliol had put his great nephew, a lad younger than you, in charge of dealing with the rebels of Elderslie, and I have heard he is doing a stellar job.

I have made you a knight, a grand responsibility. In this war, one you will either live or die. You may succeed in your new knightly duties, because unlike 90% of Boudica, you did not use our "everlasting peace" to justify slacking off on training. You may not believe it, but because you took your training seriously, you have earned knighthood in my eyes, thus I thought fit for you to receive it.

One more thing, Andrew, the road onward this life is paved with harshness, but through these trials, one like you can achieve greatness with God and self.

I look forward to fruits of your labors, my son."

"But I have failed, father." thought Andrew. "I have failed to protect our kingdom, and instead of dying in battle for God and Glory, I was captured after Dunbar, I was lucky enough to be imprisoned in this castle in Gormandy. As for you, they say you are imprisoned in a place called the Land of Waters, a place unknown to Boudicans, even Edmund."

Andrew got out of his bed.

"What of mother, Euphemia Comyn? The Comyns are of Gorman origin but have lived in mainland Boudica for hundreds of years." thought Andrew Moray. "When she heard me and you, father, supposedly died, she started dying of a broken heart, losing both her husband and son supposedly did a number on her health, mentally. Thankfully, the Gormans in their chivalry, despite some seeing the Comyn's as the most treasonous, because of their Gorman heritage, sent her and the Comyn clan word of my survival and let me return to the land of Comyn's to see her before she passed."

Andrew clenched his hands.

"I thought the knowledge of me living as well as my presence would save her." Thought Moray. "But when I saw her, her mental health had already done its toll on her, she died peacefully upon seeing my face."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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