Chapter 11- The Boudican Stew Recipe.

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The Next day:

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The Next day:

"Alright Hima, I'm off to run errands." Said Hinata, "However, I'm still not sure why, yesterday you didn't ask for anything for me to get for you to make dinner."

"Don't worry, Mama, tonight, dinner will be a surprise." Replied Himawari. Her mother then left.

Himawari left home and met William Wallace at the market. He was carrying a picnic basket. When she saw him waiting there for her, she couldn't help but notice how feminine he looked carrying the basket.

"Good, you're here, shall we go inside the market then." Said William.

Himawari nodded.

William showed her the precise ingredients for the stew. Such ingredients included beef, onions, carrots etc.

Everyone seemed strangely friendly with William Wallace at the Market.

"Hey, everyone seems to be friendly with you, you seem to get along." said Himawari.

"They are?" replied William. "Huh, I just assume that's how they normally act, because they are Konoha people, not Boudicans. I only helped fix a stall two days ago and sold Balliol's crap as fertilizer to farmers for growing crops."

"You seem to know a lot of skills." Replied Himawari.

"My favorite activity is to read any types of books, for I am glutton for knowledge, because knowledge takes my mind off of things." Said William.

They finally get to the Uzumaki household.

"So, this is your house?" asked William Wallace.

"Yep, shocked it is not as big as yours?" responded Himawari.

"No, not shocked, just intrigued by its cylinder like appearance." Replied William.

They went inside and started preparing the stew, William Wallace stirred the stew, and added in seasonings, while Himawari was cutting the carrots.

He showed her that after cutting the carrots into pieces, cut each piece into two pieces, as a way for them to be cooked properly into the stew, so they could moist and tender and not hard and crunchy.

As he was stirring, Himawari noticed how William had his eyes glued to the family pictures. Despite having a blank expression, she saw that his green eyes had a certain glow to them, like awe and amazement.

"Those are pictures of my family." Said Himawari. "That blonde hair boy is my older brother, Boruto, the other older kid is Kawaki. I'm sure you already know my father, the Hokage. The woman, who looks like me is my mother."

"Your father has whiskers, so does your brother and you..." mumbled William to himself.

William immediately stared Himawari in the eyes. There was a brief moment of silence, yet now looking at him directly in his green eyes, Himawari couldn't help but think that pretty green hills were in them, but not just that but a vast horizon with green pine trees, mountains, and waterfalls. The green of his eyes reflected nature, and its complexity like it was mirror of William Wallace himself. While she was distracted, she felt a cold touch on her left cheek. It was William Wallace's finger touching her whisker.

"They're real!? Impressive! Are these the trademark of your clan? I assume so because your father and brother have them." Said William in complete amazement.

However, William realized how annoyed Himawari was. It seems he had let his curiosity get the better of him.

He immediately retracted his hand and focused on stirring the stew.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I let my curiosity get the better of me." He spoke.

Himawari felt her cheek, Wallace was gentle in his touch, yet the temperature of his touch was unnaturally cold. His skin was pale like it was frozen, but his temperature was frozen as well. Do Boudicans live in a cold climate?

"So, what is your clan like?" she asked curiously.

William Wallace stopped stirring and looked at her. "I think it is time to add the carrots." Said William Wallace. Obviously to dodge the question.

Himawari was obviously annoyed with him. His hold onto his mysteriousness seemed to become really frustrating. This must be how Ehou may feel. Wallace's mysteriousness was like the cover of an interesting book, but the book itself is locked, so you could not read it.

After a couple of minutes of stirring, the stew was ready.

"You ready to taste test." asked William.

"Ok." Replied Himawari. She took a small spoon and got a sample of the stew. It was delicious, the beef cooked tender, and the carrots adding a hint of sweetness to it, as well as the onions with them of sour, but each mixed with seasonings and herbs to complement each other.

"It's delicious." Said Himawari with red cheeks from the taste of the stew.

"Well, then take this bread, dipping it in the stew should mix really well." Said William. "Well, with that done, I must beg my leave."

"Wait! let me walk you to the door." Said Himawari.

As they were walking to the door, Himawari decided to ask about food recipes, because that is the only thing William Wallace would honestly talk of.

"So is there anything else, you cook." She asked.

"I cook a variety of things; I cook from Shetland lamb chops to Shepherd's pie." Replied William.

"What is your favorite Konoha food?" questioned Himawari.

"Well, probably the Ice cream, since it is the only thing Konoha food wise, I've had." Said William.

"Huh?" cried Himawari. "Well, that is something, we must remedy then."

When they both got to the door, they saw Boruto and Kawaki were at the entrance of the fence.

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