Chapter 19- the Frightening Truth

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The next day, Shizune summons Sakura and Sarada to her office

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The next day, Shizune summons Sakura and Sarada to her office. They were very confused why, but Shizune did not tell, because it was apparently urgent.

They all sat in a meeting room at the Konoha Hospital. Shizune was already there waiting for them, she had a folder with her there.

"Shizune?" asked Sakura. "What was the sudden emergency?"

"Let's just say a lot has transpired yesterday?" said Shizune. "It is about your sister?"

When Sakura heard this, she looked down in sadness. She was upset internally that Shizune would bring up, she still hasn't got over that her parents lied to her.

"Mom?" asked Sarada. "Are you Ok?"

Sakura looked at Sarada with determined eyes and then looked up at Shizune. "What does my sister have to do with this meet up?" she asked.

"Sakura, I know it's a hard topic to bring up." Said Shizune. "But I may have found more information relating to her?"

Sakura sat up more for information. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, I think it's better if I show this." Said Shizune. She handed Sakura the picture.

Sakura was shocked, looking at it.

"Mom? What's wrong?" asked Sarada. She looked at the picture and was just as shocked.

"That woman, the eyes and hair just like Aunt Sayuri!?" Said Sarada. "And that baby she's holding looks like?"

At that moment, William Wallace opened the door. "Miss Shizune, may I ask why you had me called here, and why earlier you put a swab in my mouth and then again ,why?" he asked. Just then and there, he had locked eyes with Sakura and Sarada staring at each other for a few seconds.

"Who are these people?" asked William Wallace.

'To be sure I did a DNA test, then another one, the result was still the same." said Shizune.

"What does my DNA have to do with anything?" asked William.

William notices Sarada and Sakura staring at him with shock.

"What is going on, why are you two staring at me like that, you look ya'll seen a ghost." asked William, who is uncomfortable from the stares.

"William, there is something you need to know, all of you do." Said Shizune. Shizune slowly opened the folder.

"According to the DNA test results." She spoke. "You three are related." Shizune took a deep breath after that.

There was silence in the room, shock in fact. Sweat started running down William's face and neck. He started to breathe heavily. But no one noticed because he was so quiet.

There was silence, Sakura remained shock, staring at this Boudican boy of another culture. How is this possible. Did Sayuri survive the sea and wash up somewhere in the land of these Boudicans. Must be, because William Wallace, her son, is here, living and breathing. This boy is her offspring, the picture and the DNA tests prove it.

Not a word was spoken for a while.

Sarada was the first to break the silence. She smiled, and went up to William, not seeing his sweating or heavy breathing.

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise." She said she got up from the couch and walked up to William Wallace.

She smiled at him, he was her long-lost cousin, probably the closest thing she will have to a sibling.

"William!" she said putting out he hand "It is great to meet, I'm your cous-"

Before she could finish, sweating more profusely, William breathed even more heavily and rapidly. He smacked her hand away. William then turned away in the opposite direction.

He dived in the air.

He smashed through the window, hitting the ground below. He immediately got up and ran away towards his home.

All this happened so fast that even Sarada could not keep track of what happened. No one did. It was the most peculiar thing.

All that happened today was pure shock and awe.

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