Chapter 16- Wallace's philosphy

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Today was one of the most surprising days in the Hidden Leaf

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Today was one of the most surprising days in the Hidden Leaf. The day concerned William Wallace.

The Boudican boy had surpassed the fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze's academy scores, especially the physical examinations. The Teachers have headaches from teaching him at the academy, for they have no need to teach him. William knows the material in and out. The teachers had him do Oral tests and exams. He aces them all, and even gets the extra credit.

Because of this, many speculate he will be Hokage one day. As a result, in today's class, the press has cameras and microphones ready outside. William Wallace puts his chin in his hand and just focuses on the class.

Ehou sits in the corner eying Wallace, with arrows. William Wallace looks at him for a second then focuses back on the class.

The Teacher was late, so there was gossiping among the students.

William Wallace looked around and saw some girls were gossiping about him, the girls and William Wallace lock eyes. All girls in the conversation immediately turn away blushing. One girl bragged Wallace was looking at her, then in short amount of time, they bicker and argue who that he was actually looking at.

William Wallace just sighed and put his hands on his face in embarrassment. Thankfully for William, the gossiping stopped when Hana Sensei, the teacher walked in.

"Good morning class." Said Hana Sensei.

"Good morning, Hana Sensei." Said the whole Class.

"Class? Today is a short day, so we will have recess early." Said Hana Sensei. "William, the Hokage has personally summoned you."

"Alright, I will be on my way." Said William.

William went to the door to the classroom; all the academy teachers were there for him.

"William." Said Iruka Umino, the academy principal, "Don't worry, you are not in trouble, we are just here to get you past the press."

"Thank you, I was worried I would have to use stealth to get through them." Replied William.

After a while they are at the entrance to the Hokage's office. William opened the door, Kakashi, the sixth Hokage, Shikamaru, the Hokage's advisor, and of course Naruto himself.

William Wallace could sense the teachers are eying Naruto to give William something to do.

"Hey, William, look at this mission request, would you approve it and send Shinobi on it." Said Naruto handing William the paper.

William read the paper for a solid second. He says "Well, I think for the time being you should reject this mission, this was literally given by a random person on the street. This said person has no given background, so there a chance they may lure your Shinobi into a trap, plus there is no evidence given that said person's problem is true fact."

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