Chapter 5- Alan Wallace

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The next day, Naruto has William Wallace summoned to his Hokage office

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The next day, Naruto has William Wallace summoned to his Hokage office.

Now remembering William's father, Naruto's remembers his last mission as a Jonin. It was an S-rank mission, where King Alan Wallace's kingdom was threatened by coup. Naruto and Sasuke along with many other random Leaf shinobi were sent to stop the rebellion. Alan was able to hire the strongest shinobi in the Leaf because he paid in gold and jewels. According to history, Alan paid more than anyone for mission from the Leaf.

Due to the size of William Wallace' house, like his father, he was also rich.

Naruto remembers Alan, he not only gave them the mission, but he also fought alongside them as well. Alan was a different man, compared to anyone Naruto met on missions.

Alan was indeed different, for he came from a different culture with no shinobi, but full of armored men of noble birth called knights. He also has a different accent, called a Boudican accent. He was tall, about 6'3. After all, the Wallace clan's trademark was their impressive height. Alan wore a crown, and for his clothing, he seemed to wear fabric, made of thousands of small iron rings. Over that He wore tunic covered with the emblem of his clan. He led his people into battle waiving a banner and a sword. "A true king he was!" Naruto thought to himself, "A true king who leads his people in the darkest of terrors."

This Boudican culture was completely different from the Shinobi culture, they were different in almost everything. Naruto also remembers how he did not sense any chakra in them. They were truly Naruto's first real taste of a different culture. Yet it's just been so long he has nearly forgotten.


There was knock, and Naruto says, "Come in".

There he was, William Wallace, son of Alan Wallace. He was the spitting image of his father. But after seeing the young Wallace, Naruto just realized, with his fair skin and green eyes, he looked very similar to his childhood friend Sakura. The only visible difference is his dirty blond hair.

Wallace spoke: "You wish to see me Lord Seventh?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to formally welcome you to the Leaf, I met your father a long time ago. He was a great and brave man," said Naruto.

William Wallace was silent.

"You know? You actually look like him." Laughed Naruto. "But if I may, can I ask how things with him are, as well as the kingdom.?"

After he spoke, it crossed his mind, that even though he did not sense any chakra in Malcolm, he does sense it in William, "why is that" Naruto thought. Before Naruto could ask, Wallace walked to the door, and turned his head to speak. There were complex emotions of fear, and disgust in his eyes.

"Never speak to me about my father, ever again!" he said in a passive aggressive tone and left.

Sasuke came in after that, and saw Naruto was a bit shaken up.

"So, what happened?" asked Sasuke.

"When talked about his father, King Alan Wallace, he seemed to be upset, not like my son's typical upset, but the hatred it is similar to yours, but passive. ." Replied Naruto.

Sasuke thought for a second. In an instant, he connected the dots. Wallace's age at war matches the timeline of the Coup against Alan.

"I think I understand why." Said Sasuke. "I believe it's because his father sent him to fight against the Coup."

Naruto was shocked when he heard this. "Are you sure?" he asked.

And Sasuke said, "No doubt about it," he told me himself. "I'm sure he is not lying, because when he told me, he had shame and regret in his voice, any boy his age would use that as bragging rights, however he seems to understand what war is."

"Poor boy!" said Naruto, "I had no idea."

"Well, it makes sense on how he knows everything about us." Said Sasuke.

"Huh?" said Naruto.

"Before coming to Konoha, I guess he studied us and our stories to full detail, I guess during the coup, he saw us in action, and decided he wanted to learn about us, I guess it was easy for him to do so, because reading books seems to be one of things, he does a lot. "Said Sasuke.

"I never knew the brave king; Alan would send his son off to war at such a young age." Said Naruto. "But I guess that is how their culture worked."

"Despite all that, William Wallace is wise and preceptive, to add on to that he has war experience and a scholarly attitude, I'm pretty sure he will be top of the classes at the academy." Said Sasuke.

"Never though you would have faith in someone you just met," said Naruto.

"Heh." laughed Sasuke. "I guess times do change."

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