Chapter 17- Ichiraku Ramen

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Himawari had invited William to Ichiraku, they both sat together at the highchairs

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Himawari had invited William to Ichiraku, they both sat together at the highchairs.

"I hope those weird people are not here." Explained William Wallace. William is referring to the Hidden Leaf press.

"Don't worry." Said Himawari. "They won't come here. The Press does not bother people at restaurants."

William looked down at his bowl of ramen. It was hot, so he dared not put his finger in it. He examined it curiously, noting the ingredients included pork and cakes made of fish?

"Shinobi food is sure fascinating." Explained William Wallace.

"This is Ramen, it is my dad's favorite." Said Himawari. "Thanks for the food." As she was about to dig in, she was startled by what William was doing before the meal.

This is what William did: He took fingers: his index and middle, put them together and moved his arm. He tapped his forehead and his chest, then his left shoulder, then his right. He put his hands together. Bowed his head and mumbled these words to himself. He speaks. "Benedíc nos Dómine et haec Túa dóna quae de Túa largitáte súmus sumptúri. Per Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum. Ámen." He then repeated the tap head, chest, and shoulders process.

"You do all that before a meal?" asked Himawari. "What were those random words you were just muttering, I never heard anything like them before."

"Those weren't just random words, that was the Boudican meal prayer in Latin." Explained William.

"It seems pretty long?" said Himawari in a curious tone.

"You are a Shinobi, I am Boudican, our cultures and ways of doing things are different, as are we." Said William Wallace.

From afar to the entrance, Boruto was eyeing William and Himawari with angry suspicious eyes. From what he was seeing Himawari was looking at William with attentive eyes, while he seemed to explain things to her.

"Hey Boruto." Said a voice, it was Naruto.

"Oh uh! Dad." cried Boruto who put his back to wall in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, all the paperwork was finished early." Said Naruto. "Wanna grab Ichiraku." Immediately Naruto's eyes caught William and Himawari inside.

"Huh? What is Himawari doing with William at Ichiraku." said Naruto in a surprised tone. "Alone!?"

"My thoughts too." Said Boruto. "He is too mysterious." Boruto does not plan on mentioning that William beat him.

"I hear William is popular with the girls at the academy." Said Naruto. "But, Oh No. He is hotter than Sasuke at that age. This is bad."

"Dad, lets get Ramen and sit at a table close to them." Said Boruto. "They won't notice us thanks to the learnings from Mom."

"Yeah, good idea." Said Naruto. "Thanks to your mother, we will never get spotted."

They both ate Ramen at a close table and eyed William Wallace with the highest of suspicions.

William Wallace knew they were there, but just didn't care. For there was a more pressing matter. The chopsticks to eat ramen. He is trying his best to take food in them but failing.

Himawari laughed a little at seeing him try.

"Darn it." Sighed William. "How do you use these?"

"Like this." Said Himawari showing him the form.

"Those papers must have taken a toll on my head." Said William. "I guess I now see my limits."

"Papers.? What papers? we do not have any homework." Said Himawari.

"Oh, I was filling out papers for fun, I was so interested, that I did not take time to rest my head." Said William. He started eating Ramen, and his cheeks went red.

That was the first time Himawari had seen any color change in William's skin. In his face, his frozen cheeks were now red with warmth. She may have imagined it, but he may have had a little smile.

"This is the new best food of Hidden Leif." he proclaimed. He slurped Ramen up his mouth like a small waterfall going backwards.

The taste of the food had William Wallace go to his head and examine his thoughts. He admits the ramen tasted better than he could have ever imagined it. Eating good food in reality is much better than simply imagining it, for thoughts can never fill the stomach and give the body proper nutrients.

"Perhaps there are things that reality has that are better than the things conjured in one's mind." Thought William.

William continues to think.

The Ramen may not be the best food of the Hidden Leif, but the best food he has eaten.

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