Chapter 15- The Hidden Letter from Sakura's parents

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The surgery was a success, Sasuke is now resting and recovering from it in hospital

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The surgery was a success, Sasuke is now resting and recovering from it in hospital. He rests easy now that his former power has come back thanks to Sakura and Orochimaru.

While Sasuke rests, Sakura goes home and rests for a bit. She hears a rumble in the attic and goes to check to see the ladder to it was out. Someone was in the attic.

She gets on the ladder and takes a peek. It was Sarada who was moving boxes in the attic.

"Sarada, what are you doing up here?" asked Sakura.

"Oh, I'm just organizing the boxes, Mom." Replied Sarada, holding a box in her arms. "By the way, what are in the boxes, from Granny and Grandpa's."

Sarada pointed to the corner, there were boxes labeled Haruno, with the names of her grandparents on them.

Sakura had kept those boxes from her parents, when clearing out their house. Her parents had passed away in a boat accident 7 years ago, when Sarada was only five. On the day of her funeral, Sarada understood a little of Sasuke must have felt when his parents were murdered. Sakura's parents were not around most of the time, when she was a teenager, because they traveled a lot. Her relationship with them was complicated, she seemed to not like them being around her friends for they like talking about embarrassing stuff Sakura did.

"Sarada, your grandparents were interesting folk." Said Sakura. "Those boxes, I've never opened them?"

"But what could be in them?" replied Sarada. "Is there a reason, why they were not opened?"

Sakura did not want to talk badly of her parents. They are her parents after all. What harm could there be in the boxes, rather than Sakura's personal insecurities? It is a waste for the boxes to be there, and not be opened. Opening the boxes should be alright.

"Well, Sarada?" said Sakura. "If you really want to open the boxes, how about we open them together."

"Great!" responded Sarada. "Since there's a lot, I will make some tea, so we can drink while we open them. Maybe there are funny pictures in there?"

As Sarada left to go make tea, Sakura laughed a little to herself, then had a face of determination. There was a chance that her parents took embarrassing baby pictures of her. Ahead of Sarada, Sakura decided to open the boxes and check. She most definitely found some baby pictures, but they weren't that bad. But what was most interesting out of all the boxes was a small box, titled "We're sorry, Sakura." Sorry? For what?

She opened it there was a letter in the small box. She opened it and inside was a piece of paper and a picture of a little girl with pink hair and blue eyes. She was holding a flower. "Who is this girl?" thought Sakura. She read the letter.

It was her older sister!?

She continued reading. Her sister's name was Sayuri Haruno, she fell in the sea, while they were traveling on a boat. She was never seen again. She was only four at the time of her supposed drowning. During this time, Sakura's mother was pregnant with Sakura. The loss of their first child was so great on Sakura's parents, that they never spoke of her, acted like she never even existed and never even thought of taking Sakura on trips with them. Yet they have this box, to prove she existed.

Sakura could not believe that her own parents lied to her and kept the existence of her sister away from her. So many emotions went through her head.

"Hey, Mom! How about we bring the boxes down here, so it will be a lot easy to sort them." Called Sarada.

Sakura immediately straightened out for Sarada's sake. But one thing is for sure, she will not hide this from Sarada, like her Sakura's parents did.

Sakura explained everything to Sarada.

"I had an aunt?" said Sarada. She fell down in a chair in disbelief "Why would granny and grandpa keep something like this a secret?"

"According to the letter, the guilt of knowing her was too much for them?" replied Sakura.

"But that shouldn't be an excuse?" cried Sarada. "You can't just hide someone's existence!"

"Well." Said Sakura trying not to be as critical as possible. "They just did."

Sarada held the picture of her deceased aunt firmly. "Sayuri, my aunt had a pretty name." she said. "I wish I got to know her."

"Me too Sweetie." Responded Sakura. She embraced Sarada. Sarada puts her arms around her mother's back.

Daughter and Mother embrace for a good while that day. When Sasuke learned about the reveal, he understood their pain, for his brother Itachi lied to him for most of his life. He embraced them both.

The whole Uchiha family bonded that day in mourning over the supposed death of someone not known personally, but someone important.

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