Chapter 9- We trained for 4 years to face the strongest.

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After team 7 carried by Mitsuki, returned to Konoha

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After team 7 carried by Mitsuki, returned to Konoha. Everyone was shocked. This was just a normal mission for them, then all of a sudden, they were all knocked unconscious, except for Mitsuki.

Sakura immediately starts tending to them. She is relieved that there are no serious injuries, and that they all were merely knocked out.

Mitsuki reports to Naruto.

"He was Boudican, lord Seventh" said Mitsuki. "Although his accent is slightly different than Macduff's, like a different dialect probably. He defeated all of us with ease. He spared us claiming his vengeance is directed to you, and only you."

"This might be a problem?" replied Naruto. "Is there anything else."

"Oh, right this is his shield." Said Mitsuki, handing over the shield.

Naruto eyes brightened. He recognized the shield.

"I know this symbol." Said Naruto. "He was a knight I defeated during the Boudican Uprising. He's probably after me because I defeated him."

Naruto smiled a little. "Even though we may fight, I'm glad he spared you guys. He seems like an honorable man. But for now, get rest Mitsuki, you have earned it." said Naruto.

Mitsuki leaves at that point. Sasuke comes in. Naruto tells him the whole situation.

"So, there is a Boudican knight after you." Said Sasuke.

"Yes, so I want you to take this shield to William and ask if he knows information on this knight." Responded Naruto.

"Alright, I will talk to him at dusk." Replied Sasuke.

Later that day, Sasuke shows the shield to William Wallace. William was tired, but he might as well answer the questions now, then later.

"Huh, you killed a knight?" asked William with tired eyes.

"No, rather a knight beat a Shinobi team with ease." Replied Sasuke. "Do you recognize the recognize the shield?"

"I think I recognize the symbol, but I think I need more information, can you describe how he sounded like?" Responded William.

"He was mad at the Hokage for vengeance, yet even though he was mad, he acted calm in battle, also his accent was slightly different than you and Lundie's." Said Sasuke.

William Wallace replied back: "Oh he's from an island off the coast of Boudica, they're the part of Boudica that dominates in farming, particularly the growth of potatoes. We call them Potato Eaters, or the Boru as they like to call themselves. This is all I know, but one thing is for sure. Watch your back. A vengeful enemy that acts calm and controls his rage knows what he is doing. You may be the one of the most powerful men in the world, but you have common weakness. Everyone has this weakness; anyone can be outsmarted. From prolonging a fight to find an opening to tricking the enemy to falling into the trap. Now Boudicans despise long fights, they will go in for the kill, if they see an opening."

Sasuke decided to think for a second to process what William Wallace said.

"Is this why you studied Naruto and me!" asked Sasuke, "In case, you had to fight us some day."

"No. I did that because it was required in Squire school." Replied William. "All boys of nobility go to squire school and learn of you and Lord Seventh's abilities; we have wood machines meant to replicate your forms of Chidori as well as Lord Seventh's forms of Rasangan. However Boudican knights and veterans complain the machines aren't even close to the speed you and Lord Seventh's attacks are. As a response the trainers have us wear many lairs of chain mail, to slow us down in order to improve our strength and speed. All soldiers trained to combat you and the Hokage's skill. We trained for 4 years to face the strongest and now here I am. Honestly if you ask me, I have an unfair advantage at the shinobi academy, but nonetheless I will still do my best."

Sasuke Uchiha was astonished. To think that their others like William Wallace, who trained for 4 years to face himself and Naruto. Since there seems to be a lot of Boudicans, this most definitely could be a problem.

Sasuke reported to Naruto: "From what he told me, I think there are Boudicans that are mad, their coup against Alan failed and are targeting us. That black knight who is mad at you, must be one of them."

"I've come to the same conclusion as well. Now thinking about the fighting against rebel Boudicans, they never really stood a chance, the only thing they had going for them was their durability from their armor, but nonetheless, they were just too weak. I guess now they have come back and are more powerful than ever. Not just that but now they have knowledge of our arsenal." Replied Naruto.

"Now weak is a strong term, don't forget the reason they were so small, and stretched thin is because they had to contend with you, me, our shinobi as well as other shinobi from villages and King Alan's army." Replied Sasuke. "Now that they are back, I advise we must try and notify King Alan."

"But maybe we are overreacting." Said Naruto. "Until we know more, there is no need to contact the king."

"Are you only suggesting this because William hates his father?" asked Sasuke.

"Well not just that, there is a chance this is not as big as we think it is, and as for William, I think we should give him a break, so far, he has been more than helpful to us, let's let him be for now." Responded Naruto

"Well, I guess you're right." agreed Sasuke.

They both retired back to their homes for the night.

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