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Electra's eyes widened at Taehyung's unexpected words

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Electra's eyes widened at Taehyung's unexpected words. She couldn't believe those words came out of his mouth and those four words made her horrible day. A sudden smile forced it way to her mouth as her face heat up and she wasn't even trying to hide her blushing.

"You're so red right now... almost like your hair," he let out a dry joke noticing her redness but Electra couldn't care less, she grinned so widely that even Taehyung was starting to chuckle at the sight of her grinning like a moron.

"At the pharmacy..." Taehyung started, "...the nurse asked me if you had any severe allergies or anything she had to worry about before giving me the pills and I didn't know what to say because I realized I knew nothing about you."

"Well... we got married through an unusual way; actually, it's usual for our families. We only met once before the wedding and when I asked if you wanted to get lunch and get to know me, you said no. We've never actually sat and spent time together, talking... this is the first time we'll be doing that," Electra said.

"I know one thing about you though..." he trailed off, "You love talking."

"Wha—Ayee!" Electra exclaimed, earning a chuckle from Taehyung.

"You do! Even when I don't reply, you still continue talking and I thought, Is she ever going to stop talking?" Taehyung said, laughing.

"You know what, I know one thing about you too..." Electra let out a scoff jokingly and said. "...and what would that be?" he questioned, amused.

"You love boobs," her words rendered Taehyung speechless as he was amused and slightly embarrassed at the same time. He never expected her to be so blunt to the extent that her words would make his face redder than it was supposed to be.

"Wha—I—you can't say that to me," he let out, stammering while in shock.

"But it's true. You love breasts. You're always groping my breasts and these couple of weeks has been rough for me because my breasts had suddenly become your stress ball when you sleep. Even this morning that you came into the bathroom, you were brazenly gawking at my breasts," Electra exposed him, making his face heat up even more and he had nothing to say.

"You caught me, you caught me..." he chuckled and let out. "...but are you going to act like you don't stare at my cock? Whenever I come out of the bathroom in towel, the first place your eyes goes is my lower body so don't you dare act like you're innocent," he countered back, exposing her too but she was already flushed and couldn't get more red so his words weren't visibly showing an impact on her.

"It not my fault, I have eyes and of course I'm bound to see what's in front of my eyes. If your thing hid itself well then I wouldn't be looking at it," Electra said, grabbing a cup of water and taking a sip.

"Wow, I'm glad you realized that there's something called eyes. If your boobs isn't in front of my eyes, I wouldn't be looking at it," he said thinking Electra wouldn't have anything to counter back with as she was quiet for a few seconds but...

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