42 | Enemies multiplied

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Electra had been fine

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Electra had been fine... more than fine ever since Taehyung had the accident and was admitted in the hospital. Although she felt a little bad that he must have gone through so much pain when the accident took place but she immediately reminded herself that he was the same man that killed her unborn child and did all sorts of atrocious things to her.

Maybe he did deserve whatever happened to him.

But again, Electra was worried because even if Antoinette didn't come clean to her and confessed being the one who orchestrated the attack, Electra knew she was in fact the one because of some certain things Antoinette said a day after the accident.

It was like she knew what happened, it was like she was present and Electra's lawyer's senses was sensing things but she was worried that the Chairman of KM Group would find out she did it and did what he promised to do in the press conference to her... also throwing the Cunninghams on the streets. To Electra, the Kims had all the power.

Although, she was happy that Taehyung was out of her sight and she didn't need to avoid him, she was also scared that things might fall back on Antoinette and she didn't want that.

"I see Devon has accepted you as a paralegal in their firm," Antoinette exposed an information that even Electra wasn't aware of yet... and Electra had been meaning to ask how she knew everything she knew, things that happens in the house; Antoinette knew and Electra couldn't help but wonder how she knew.

Electra just saw the message from Devon, congratulating her for getting hired as a paralegal but Antoinette knew before her.

"How are you knowing all these things? Even the things that happens in the house here, you know. It's starting to get really creepy and scary. How are you knowing?"

Electra questioned unbeknownst to her that Antoinette had cameras planted in the ceilings all over the house. All the phones of the people around Electra, including Electra were hacked and Antoinette could see every single thing done by everyone, from their contacts to something as little as their alarm.  

She knew everything about everyone.

"Sweetheart,  I am your mother. Of course I know everything that happens around you because I love you. Let's not even worry about that, when you get to Devon, make sure to stand out amongst the employees. There's a reason why I'm saying this and I'm sorry that I can't tell you yet but when you get to know, it will all make sense," Antoinette said.

Antoinette dismissed her question and talked about something else, Electra sighed, "Okay, Mom. I try to do that. And about Taehyung, d-did you do that?" Even though Electra knew Antoinette was in fact behind the accident, she still wanted to ask and no assume things.

"I never cut the brakes to his car," that was Antoinette's way to admitting to doing everything other than cut the brakes to the car but that revelation baffled Electra a bit since she was sure Antoinette was behind everything up until she reveal she never cut the brakes to his car.

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