48 | No sleep for the evil

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Daphne unconscious and blood drenched body dropped and made a thud as it collided with the floor right beside her car

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Daphne unconscious and blood drenched body dropped and made a thud as it collided with the floor right beside her car. The black on the driver's seat door already bleached into an off white colour from the chemical splashing on it as it touched Daphne's face, neck, and arm.

Her clothes were melted and torn by the harmful chemical as well as her skin that had her veins showing like a butchered meat.

A few minutes passed before one of her neighbours who also arrived from work saw her lying on the floor covered in blood from afar. He got out from his car and ran to her, upon verifying that she was really in a bad condition, he called the police immediately and the situation got taken off immediately.

Of course, Lois was behind it but he didn't aim to kill her as he had promised Taehyung. He wasn't the type to take a person's life because he was a person with conscience, unlike others around him. His conscience might not be strong like some people's conscience were but it was strong enough to keep him up at night so the most he could do to either Mars or Daphne was hurt them.

Mars received a deadly beating from him while he threw acid on Daphne; Daphne's 'punishment' being more severe than Mars because she kept riling Taehyung up and crossing her boundaries.

What did she expect? To roam free without receiving any payback with all she had done? She wasn't thinking there were people who could hurt others like how she could but she would soon realize the fact if she didn't die from the acid burning her.

As soon as Lois left the vicinity of Daphne's home, he texted Taehyung the job was done, drove straight to a junkyard and had the car crushed. He would hate to have any of the things he did trail back to him and losing a sport car would be the least of things he would lose if any of the things he did surface to either the public or his father.

Losing a sport car was nothing.

He went back to his place with a taxi and he knew throwing acid on Daphne for Taehyung's sake was the last act of respect he would do towards him... as his friend.

After that night, Lois was done being Taehyung's friend because all what he would be showing to Taehyung after would be the behaviour of a traitor and yes, Lois felt bad. He felt like an horrible person but if betraying his best friend of 2 decades for hundreds of millions of dollars—If not billions makes him a villian then he would gladly be the villain.

The next day came like a whirlwind as Lois wasn't able to get even a wink of sleep and things got even worse when he gave his wife the divorce papers. She made a ruckus but ended up signing the papers and all that added to the anxiety Lois had.

He was betraying his best friends for more than two decades, he was stabbing his stepbrother in the back by taking everything from him slowly, he threw an acid that was capable of killing at another human being, and the list continues.

In conclusion, he was a human trash dressed in designers.

Meanwhile, Electra had a nice sleep compared to the people around her like Taehyung, who was worried the video might get leaked into the media because he knew how malicious Daphne could be even though Lois had told him the previous night that Daphne wouldn't worry him anymore.

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