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"Drake remained unresponsive during our conversation, just as you instructed me. That's when I realized I had to take matters into my own hands to get him involved. Regardless, the deal is sealed—I signed it this morning," Electra conveyed over the phone. Standing outside their house, she engaged in the conversation with Antoinette, the weight of her decisions evident in her tone.

"If you can't meet the requirements before the end of the year, do you have a backup strategy?" Antoinette inquired with evident concern. The unexpected shift in Electra's approach wasn't part of Antoinette's foresight, and she found herself uneasy with the loss of control over the unfolding situation.

In light of the formidable tasks exclusively within Electra's capabilities and the constrained timeframe of a mere year, she shared, "Contemplating this, I took preemptive measures yesterday. I had him sign a document affirming my familial ties, designating me as his daughter. I framed it as a response to my trust issues, but truthfully, it's a safeguard if I fall short of meeting the requirements."

Antoinette, animated over the phone, chimed in, "Precisely! Even if the contractual obligations aren't met, with Drake, Lois, and Ottis disappearing, and you having assumed the role of his daughter, everything inevitably falls into your hands. It seems like Plan B resonates more favorably with me than the initial strategy."

"Yes, but that's only plan B, and we won't resort to it unless things don't unfold as we desire," Electra, maintaining a sense of caution, emphasized that Plan B was only a last resort, acknowledging the potential risk that Antoinette might contemplate resorting to eliminate the family to expedite their goals.

Antoinette's response resonated with disappointment as she probed into Electra's reluctance. "Why linger for a year when Plan B offers a swifter and simpler solution? Why endure uncertainty when you have the chance to secure everything more promptly?" Her impatience and inclination toward a quicker resolution were apparent, setting a tense tone for their discussion.

"Because I want to give Lois a chance. Honestly, he hasn't done anything particularly terrible to me. From what I've heard from Taehyung, Lois reprimanded him whenever he would harm me back then. Lois might be nothing more than a victim of circumstances—born into the wrong family, at the wrong time—just like me and Taehyung," Electra expressed, feeling that their parents were the root of the issues, and the children were merely trying to gain control to shield themselves from their parents' influence.

Electra believed in giving Lois a chance for redemption and a fresh start. In her eyes, Lois had faced challenges similar to her and Taehyung, born into problematic families at unfortunate times. Despite the difficult circumstances, Lois had shown kindness and had even scolded Taehyung when he mistreated Electra. This perspective made Electra hesitant to resort to drastic measures against Lois. She aimed for a resolution that would offer everyone a chance at a better life rather than simply perpetuating a cycle of revenge and suffering.

"Electra, I have a question and I need you to answer sincerely, Are you growing a soft spot for Taehyung?" A Antoinette's question caught Electra off guard, and in that moment of silence, Electra found herself grappling with the realization that her sentiments toward Taehyung had transcended the boundaries of their initial revenge plot. She recognized that Antoinette might have picked up on the shift in her tone, understanding that her discussions about Taehyung had become more rooted in sympathy than in a desire for retribution. As the weight of Antoinette's question settled, Electra pondered how to sincerely address the evolving emotions within her.

Antoinette possessed a keen ability to detect lies from a distance, a skill honed through years of navigating deceptive schemes. However, in the case of Electra, who seldom resorted to falsehoods, her lies, accompanied by a composed demeanor and steady hands, proved surprisingly convincing. The environment in which Electra had grown up had equipped her with the capacity to deceive effortlessly, but it wasn't until she encountered Antoinette and embarked on their intricate plan that she found herself immersed in a world where frequent deceit became a necessity.

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