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In the lively French city, a gynecology clinic seemed modest in comparison to the towering skyscrapers enveloping it. Within its walls, pregnant women mingled with those aspiring to conceive, all patiently awaiting their appointments.

Within the confines of the test room, Electra sat with Eudora, clad in her doctor's coat. "I'll conduct tests to determine the treatments you'll require," Eudora explained after extracting a blood sample from Electra.

After an anxious half-hour of anticipation, Eudora returned, wearing a look that left Electra perplexed. "Is everything alright?" she inquired, but Eudora's facial expression remained unchanged, and she remained silent, leaving Electra increasingly concerned by the unanswered question.

"I hope there's nothing wrong with me," Electra expressed, attempting to decipher the ominous expression on Eudora's face.

With urgency, Eudora swiftly approached Electra, guiding her to sit on an examining table. "I need to check something; could you please pull up your shirt?" Acting without awaiting Electra's consent, Eudora lifted the chiffon shirt to Electra's chest and applied an unfamiliar liquid to her bare stomach.

Curious, Electra questioned, "What is this for?" In a world where trust was a delicate commodity, especially considering Eudora's connection as Gabriel's wife, Electra hesitated. However, the visible marks of abuse inflicted by Gabriel propelled her to trust Eudora. Even though Eudora might not want Taehyung to inherit everything, Electra believed that Eudora, too, sought an escape from her marriage, making trust essential for both.

"Take a deep breath and focus on the screen," Eudora reassured, her demeanor returning to its usual calm state as she gently glided a small device across Electra's exposed stomach.

Anxiety gripped Electra as she stammered, "I-I don't know if I can. Is it some kind of tumor or cancer?" Fear loomed, fueled by Eudora's previous foreboding expression.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no. It's not cancer. I was just being thorough after reviewing some test results, including a pregnancy test. The results were positive, and I wanted to confirm your pregnancy," Eudora clarified, eliciting a sigh of relief from Electra, grateful that cancer wasn't looming over her. Yet, the sudden realization of a potential pregnancy struck her. "So, am I pregnant?" she inquired, a mix of emotions washing over her.

"Congratulations!" Eudora beamed with genuine enthusiasm, embracing Electra tightly, recognizing that her days of suffering were now numbered.

Upon hearing the news, Electra could only gaze into nothingness, her mouth agape in both shock and awe. The revelation required some time to process—the realization that she had a few months left before becoming a mother and gaining ultimate power.

However, the happiness she anticipated didn't manifest...

Leaving Eudora's clinic after receiving vitamin prescriptions and a list of dos and don'ts for pregnant women, Electra felt compelled to share the news with Taehyung immediately. Choosing to drive to his office instead of heading home, she reflected on her mixed emotions. In the midst of this, Antoinette's call came through while she was still in the car.

"Oh, Mother, I was just on the verge of calling you with some significant news," Electra fabricated, concealing her discomfort. In reality, she had no intention of reaching out to Antoinette. The uneasy feeling intensified knowing that Antoinette had undisclosed cameras in her car, adding an extra layer of discomfort.

Since discovering Antoinette as her birth mother, the once-anticipated reunion had morphed into an uncomfortable dance. Electra, treading cautiously due to the revelation of Antoinette's greed, found herself walking on eggshells.

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