56 | look what you made me do

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— flash back.

Taehyung found himself in a state of bewilderment, as it was highly uncharacteristic of Lois to remain out of touch for such an extended period. The revelation of Lois and his wife, Gina Crosstour, parting ways came as a shock to Taehyung, especially considering Lois had been his best friend and he had to hear about it from the news.

Despite Taehyung's attempts to initiate communication with Lois, his friend was unresponsive to messages and calls. Growing increasingly frustrated and feeling the need for clarity, Taehyung decided it was time to confront Lois about the sudden distance.

On a crucial day, Lois delivered the stunning declaration that he no longer wished to be friends and took the additional step of blocking Taehyung from all means of contact. This abrupt turn of events left Taehyung grappling with the realization that they had evolved from being the close friends to what the world perceived them as, rivals. Initially dismissing it as a joke, Taehyung soon realized the gravity of the situation.

— end of flashback

Despite the anger bubbling within him and the primal instinct pushing him to harm Electra, Taehyung hesitated. He refrained from acting impulsively, wary of potentially misinterpreting the situation and jeopardizing things.

Nevertheless, the revelation that Electra professed her love for Lois dealt a blow to Taehyung's self-confidence. Their marriage was nearing its one-year mark, and she had never expressed affection or even liking him. In stark contrast, within the span of just two to three months, Electra had already declared her love for Lois. The disheartening contrast left Taehyung feeling upset and questioning the dynamics of his relationship with Electra.

His bloodshot red eyes welled up with tears, yet Taehyung fought to keep himself composed, clinging to the hope that the situation wasn't as dire as he perceived. It felt reminiscent to the times when Daphne had fed him lies, and he questioned whether his thoughts were once again leading him astray.

Remaining in the bathroom for just over five minutes, Taehyung eventually emerged, executing a silent departure to ensure he left the room undetected. Originally, there was an unspoken plan to head to work after checking up on Electra, but the emotional turmoil he now faced rendered him incapable of focusing on his tasks for the day. The weight of the situation had taken a toll on his mood, making productivity at work an impossible feat.

Sitting in the dining, rethinking his life decisions; Mother, Gabriel, Micheal, thank you for successfully ruining my life, he thought.

Taehyung's childhood was characterized by a considerable amount of happiness, enjoying the right balance of friendships and even the innocent crushes from girls who would sweeten his school days with chocolates and juice boxes.

His content school life, complemented by his own circle of friends who admired and supported him, took a drastic turn when his mother married into the Kim family following the passing of the previous Mrs. Kim. This new chapter introduced complexities and dark motivations into Taehyung's life.

Understanding the manipulative nature of his mother, Celine, and her relentless pursuit of becoming Mrs. Kim, Taehyung couldn't shake the suspicion that his mother was somehow involved in the demise of the previous Mrs. Kim. The ominous party Celine hosted for herself on the night of the woman's death only served to strengthen Taehyung's conviction in his mother's sinister involvement.

In swift fashion, Celine expedited the registration of her marriage to Taesung, leaving Taehyung grappling with the abrupt change in his identity. She made it unequivocally clear that he was no longer Tae Fountaine but now Kim Taehyung.

Even as a pre-teen, Taehyung sensed an impending catastrophe and harboured numerous apprehensions whenever Celine broached the topic of moving into the Kim mansion. Fearful of Celine's wrath, he refrained from voicing any objections, knowing all too well the severe consequences he'd face for opposing her. Despite his reservations, he rationalized that perhaps residing in the Kim mansion wouldn't be entirely negative, considering Kim Taesung was his father and Gabriel, Monalisa, and Michael were now his step-siblings.

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