59 | truth told

482 26 3

i'm watching you 👀 you better comment and vote! I also noticed that most of you guys reading this aren't following me, FOLLOW right now before I storm to your place with a knife 😵‍💫.

"The 29th assembly of stockholders is set to commence forthwith. Greetings, I am Jimmy Cunningham, the present Chairman of Cunningham Holdings and the majority stockholder. I extend my regrets for any inconvenience caused by this impromptu gathering, yet its necessity arises from a crucial announcement that demands the attention of each of you," Jimmy conveyed with reluctance from the podium.

Surveying the assembly, his eyes rested upon Electra, confidently seated at the forefront among the stockholders, her legs crossed and a menacing gaze fixed upon him. Having devoted six of the seven days Electra had allotted him to ponder and seek avenues for resistance, Jimmy found the odds stacked against him.

"I, Jimmy Cunningham, holding the majority of shares, now wish to convey my decision to transfer the entirety of my shares to my youngest daughter, Electra," he disclosed with a heavy heart, and a spotlight automatically casted onto Electra's designated seat.

Rising gracefully, she offered a polite bow, accompanied by a triumphant smile, and received a microphone from a member of the staff. "I express my gratitude; it is an honor that you have bestowed upon me," she conveyed before resuming her seat.

A shareholder, seeking the floor, requested a microphone to pose the query, "Will she ascend to the role of a new Chairperson?"

Rising without the aid of a microphone but projecting his voice audibly for all to hear, another shareholder queried, "She hasn't even worked at the company; how is she expected to lead?"

In response, Electra addressed the question, quelling the concerns of the stockholders, "The transfer of shares does not entail assuming a leadership role. My father will continue to steer the company, while the shares shall bear my name." Despite her explanation, dissatisfaction lingered among the stockholders, recognizing their inability to contest the decision, given the absence of a voting matter.

As the meeting concluded, stockholders dispersed, and Electra diverged from the crowd, making her way to Jimmy's office. Seated in his leather-swathed rolling chair, she fixated on the glass-etched board bearing Jimmy's name as the chairman. Extending her hands across the table, she grasped the board, tracing Jimmy's name with an air of discontent.

Upon hearing Jimmy's entrance into the office, she promptly set the board back on the table. "Your chair is exceptionally comfortable, undoubtedly a very expensive acquisition," she remarked, her voice trailing off as Jimmy advanced further into the office.

"Amazing performance, Mr. Cunningham. Your outward affection for your daughter will undoubtedly resonate amongst the public. Now, to bring matters to a close, kindly affix your signature to these documents," Electra instructed, producing a folded paper from her purse.

She elucidated, "It declares your commitment to refrain from causing any future complications for me in reclaiming the shares." Unfurling the paper, she placed it on the table.

Jimmy, seething with anger, had no recourse but to comply. Snatching a pen from his desk, he begrudgingly signed the papers, all the while glaring at Electra.

"Good," Electra smiled, retrieving the paper from him and returning it to her purse. Rising from her seat, she declared, "Jimmy Cunningham, the document you've just signed stated that you've given all your possessions to me, not just Cunningham Holdings shares but everything."

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