33 | Rage

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I know y'all are fed up with Electra's naivety but please bear with her, it's not her fault that she's surrounded with horrible people and also, none of y'all said anything about Daphne when she was the one that lied and caused problems. Don't blame Tae too much, he is a lawyer and a logical person, he believed what he saw so please go easy on him.

I know y'all are sad and upset with what's happening in the story right now but I promise you that it will get better. I love you all.


!Trigger warning; Domestic Violence, Depression, Anxiety.

Taehyung was upset even after taking his anger out on Daphné sexually, he was still very upset and didn't want to see Electra's face or hear her voice

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Taehyung was upset even after taking his anger out on Daphné sexually, he was still very upset and didn't want to see Electra's face or hear her voice. Before dusk, Electra had come to his office to get off work together but he responded, yelling at her to 'fuck off'. Of course, Electra was beyond sad and she had no idea what she did to deserve the cold attitude when they had been fine but either way, she left the firm and went home.

The night went just like that without Taehyung returning home and Electra couldn't be more worried. She stayed up all night waiting for his return but he never did and when she met him at the office the next day, she questioned him why he never came home but Taehyung dismissed her and gave Jordyn the instructions to never allow Electra into his office unless it was for something important.

Electra felt lost, she had zero idea why he acted that way and she only had one person to rant to; Josephine, but even Josephine had work and her own personal life so she couldn't always be available for Electra when she wasn't her maid.

Days went by and things remained the same. Taehyung made an hotel his home and refused to go home as he couldn't stand looking at Electra's face, he felt so betrayed and disgusted that he didn't even want to breath the same air as her if possible.

Daphné on the other hand, couldn't love her life more. She had been getting smashed by Taehyung every single day and also had the opportunity to witness Electra feeling distraught.

The rumor of Electra having an open marring and being a whore outside her marriage had also spread like wildfire in the firm as they all saw the viral videos about Electra on the internet and made them think their hypothesis was true.

No one in the Firm had genuine likeness for Electra and most of them fake being nice to her only to gossip about her behind her back but some of the employees had nothing to fear as they shown her that they didn't like her and bitched about her in her face but she wasn't able to do anything about it.

Taehyung made sure to make Electra's life unbearable by making Jordyn assign her the work of more than five lawyers to her only with a warning and the threat of firing her if any of the trials didn't turn out successfully. He made sure to assign her no paralegal so she would do all the work herself... yes, he was being petty, he knew he was being petty but he wanted it to be a very strict punishment for tricking him into thinking she was a nice person.

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