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The dining room was filled with tension as the Kim family gathered for dinner. Electra, now a part of the family, faced the subtle disdain of Céline, who couldn't hide her bitterness. As dinner commenced, Céline couldn't resist making snarky remarks, directed at Electra.

"I can't believe my husband just allows random people in the house now," Céline commented, her tone dripping with sarcasm. Electra, aware of the subtle attack, maintained a composed silence, offering only a fake smile. Taehyung, however, felt compelled to address Céline's indirect insults, not willing to let them slide in the presence of Chairman Kim.

At the lengthy dining table, Chairman Kim Taesung occupied the first seat, with Electra positioned on his right side. Gabriel sat on the left side of Chairman Kim, accompanied by his wife Eudora. Michael and Celine took their seats, with Monalisa seated beside Michael. The strained atmosphere lingered as the family convened for their meal.

Gabriel Celine
Eudora Micheal
Empty Monalisa

"Taesung's unexpected command disrupted the usual seating arrangements, with Electra instructed to sit beside Eudora, and Taehyung directed to take a seat at the other end. This departure from the norm sparked shocked gasps, especially considering the longstanding rule that only Taesung occupied the head seat.

Celine, unable to hide her discontent, stood up to challenge Taesung's decision. "What is this? Why would he sit there? We all know I should be the one sitting there, not him," she objected vehemently. Taesung responded with a sigh, his tone calm but firm as he asserted his authority.

"He'll sit there because I say so. This is my house, so if any of you don't like the rules I lay down, you are free to pack your bags and get out," Taesung declared, his authoritative statement hanging in the air, silencing objections and reaffirming his control over the household and restoring order to the dinner table.

Despite the tension, Electra and Eudora couldn't contain their laughter, sharing a moment of silent amusement. They quickly composed themselves, but not before Celine and Taehyung noticed the unspoken connection between the two daughters-in-law.

Promptly, they composed themselves but not before Celine and Taehyung noticed the two daughters-in-law connecting without even having to speak.

"Electra, I heard you are working at the Devon law firm now," Céline started, attempting to undermine Electra in front of Taesung. The shares Taesung had given Electra remained a source of resentment for Céline, fueling her attempts to diminish Electra's standing.

Taehyung, on the other hand, kept a watchful eye on the dynamics, ready to counter any attempts to tarnish Electra's image in front of Taesung. The dinner table remained a battleground of subtle power plays and unspoken tensions, with each member vying for a favorable position in Taesung's eyes.

"Mother, has anyone ever told you it's a bad habit to speak while eating?" Taehyung quickly responded, attempting to silence Céline before she could create any tension that might undermine either him or Electra in front of Taesung. The exchange revealed an ongoing tension within the family.

However, the tone of Taehyung's rhetorical question carried a touch of rudeness, irrespective of its phrasing. This led to Céline being stirred into a blend of anger and disbelief. "What did you just say?" she questioned, on the verge of causing a scene. However, the loud sound of Taesung hitting the table echoed, managing to quell her rising temper.

"Taehyung was correct. Let's refrain from engaging in fruitless conversations and avoid spoiling our meal with unnecessary arguments. There's always time for such discussions during tea," Taesung calmly declared, casting a hush over the entire table.

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