五十八 | Then lose to me

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defeat and victory

五十八defeat and victory

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"It's not a lie"

She heard him say but then she was cut off when her vision flash black, everything went silent and still, and it was as if time itself had paused. Then suddenly, she felt some source of substantial power, chakra, coursed through her.

Suddenly she saw something - a vision - like a light shining through at the end of a dark tunnel. There stood a man, one whom she loved. He stood, crestfallen, looking down at a grave: hers. She could not see his face well, nor could she see his expression. But she could feel his emotions, his hurt, his pain.

"I've killed you, but then who really was selfish?" she heard him say faintly. "When in your heart you wanted me to, it was either you or me who went first and left the other to suffer alone, wasn't it?"

Her heart pounded, tears pooled in her eyes as she shook her head, trying to call out to him, but no voice could leave her lips.

"But I do not blame you for leaving me, after all, it is me who made the choice. Besides we both have hurt each other, and I have suffered enough all my life, a little more suffering is like a drop in the ocean. . ." he trailed off before he uttered a soft and despairing chuckle. "I have always been fine before you came, but you gave me a taste of what life could be like. And now to live without one, is a living hell."

She watched as a drop of tear slid from his tear trough and onto the stone cold pavement of her gravestone. "The truth is if I could go back to the past then I wouldn't have done it. Then I would be selfish, then I would not care for peace or for the world, I would be happy and I would have told you all my heart desires. But now . . . now it is too late. . ."



Kuina's eyes snapped wide open, her ears rang as she heard Itachi's blade swinging down at her. A rush of will to live clashed against her like a tidal wave, and without thinking anymore, adrenaline convulsed through her, the sharp and cold metal grazed against her skin, and she strained every force in her to dodge his blade.

But even then with the precise and fatal blow he exerted, the sharp blade cut deep into her shoulder, slicing across her back and earning a loud cry from her lips as tears jerked in her eyes. At first, it was cold, but then she felt warm as hot blood spurted from her shoulder. Her vision filled up with black dots as she whimpered and slumped to the ground.

She could hear a breathless cry left his lips, and she gasped for air, her whole body numbing with pain as she tried to find her voice to speak to him.

She glanced up at him, tears filling her eyes as she took in his pained and hurt expression, the same one she saw in her vision before. She was not sure why she had dodged his blow when she was more than willing to die a moment ago, but she knew what the vision she foresaw was; it was his future if she were to die. Then how could she die?

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