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What is worse than having a grown temperamental teenager? when that teenager unfortunately takes after you?

Damien is a teenager who very much takes after me. His demeanor, his attitude and also his facial characteristics, which means that he gives me a lot of headaches.

Why couldn't he just take after Katherine? He had to take after me.

Right as of now, I and Katherine are sitting on the doubled seater leather couch while our son stood in front of us with a reprimanding look on his face. I looked at Katherine to see her glaring daggers at me. Her lips were pink and swollen and her hair was slightly disheveled where I ran my fingers through.

Of course she was blaming me,when it's mostly her fault, If she wasn't so damn irresistible none of this would be happening.

"Now listen up, the both of you." Damien started, his voice echoing with authority.

"Don't forget who is in charge in this house, son?" I said with an even stronger voice and as expected my son glared right back at me, not shrinking back like everyone else does.

Gah! He is so like me.

"Not right now, old man. Not when both of you are acting like two hormonal teenagers." He put his hand on his waist and ran the other through his hair and let out a frustrated huff.

So he walked in with some of his friends to see Katherine and I making out. But what's the big deal? We are married couples and I would very much like to touch my wife. Everytime.

"You do know that you guys have a bedroom upstairs, why can't you keep your hand off each other, at least till you reach the closed doors of your bedroom and do—ughhh" he shivered with a disgusted look on his face.

"Dad, why can't you keep your hands to yourself, at least when you are in public places. This is like—what? The tenth time I'll come home to  a very horrific sight. I had my friends with me!"

"Why am I the only one you are talking to?" I looked at Katherine to see that she had a very innocent and motherly look on her face.

Well, well, well. So that's how she plays it. That's so hot.

"Mum is a very sweet woman, dad. I'm sure this is on you. And besides, mum is —" scary. I knew that was what he wanted to say.

One would think my son would fear me more than he did his mom but no, he fears Katherine more. I think it's a mother thing.

Katherine was the one who initiated the whole things. How the hell was I supposed to resist when my wife had her sweet lips on mine and her soft hands on my body? I'm only a man and Katherine is my woman. Just seeing her is enough to get me hot and restless.

"We need to establish some rules in this house." My son started.

Fine, I felt a little bad that my son had to come in to see us in such a...situation with his friends. And since this wasn't the first time or second or third, that he's caught us in certain situations, I was understanding but I am Caspian Montgomery and I am still very much in charge. Always.

"Ok son." I stood up from the couch, although my son was growing taller by the minute, I still towered him by very very few inches that he didn't need to tilt his head up to look at me.

"I get that I and your mom were in compromising situations and you are mad but you have to remember Damien. This is my house and I make the rules. Always." That made him take a little step back but not enough to back down.

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