let me stay with you, just tonight

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After a long day of travelling around Palma and visiting countless amounts of places and then rating the day out of ten, I returned to the hotel. I opened the door to Aj singing and humming peacefully, I smiled as I closed the door behind me softly. "I'm back!" I yelled, hearing Aj's singing cease as he got up from his bed "hey!" he smiled as he ran out in front of me. I smiled back at him and ruffled his hair "hey." I smiled; I couldn't help but smile at Aj. I leaned down, cupping his cheeks and kissing him softly, the bag on my back was heavy but I wanted to stay standing here forever, with Aj. I pulled away and let go of him "how was your day?" I asked, "did you go out and do anything?" I questioned. Aj rocked back and forth on his heels "I was outside for almost the whole day, I came inside like, an hour ago" he pointed outside as he spoke "it was beautiful" he smiled as he looked back at me "sounds fun" I nodded as I placed my bag on the ground beside the door. "So, what'd you film?" he asked as he walked into my room, I followed behind him. "I went around and rated the things you could do and I'm going to compare them to things to do in Madrid." I shrugged as we entered my room. "Thats cool" he nodded as he spun around in my room until he made his way to my bed and laid down. "Yeah, there was a tour, beautiful but boring as hell" I smiled as I walked over to my bag and grabbed a pair of shorts. "Palma really is a beautiful place" he smiled as he stared out my window "definitely." I smiled as I pulled my shirt and shorts off, replacing my shorts with a more comfortable pair I could sleep in. Aj hummed tunes as I changed "I'm so tired" I groaned as I stood above Aj, laid across my bed "you good?" I asked with a smile, his hair had fallen across his face in a way I couldn't describe, it was unforgettably attractive in every way. "Mhm" he hummed as he stood up "you?" he asked as his index finger tapped my chest. I felt a bubble of anxiety in my chest swell, I knew the question was harmless, but I couldn't shake the feeling of something terrible happening. "I'm good, yeah, just tired" I smiled nervously, and I could see Aj's perfect smile almost falter. "I want you to talk to me." Aj whispered, "because I care" he mumbled, my eyes began to tear up and I could feel a heaviness in my chest, I leaned down and kissed his forehead "I'm doing just fine, and I will tell you if something is going on." I smiled. Aj stared at me for a moment as tears resided in my eyes "goodnight." I nodded, Aj frowned, but nodded anyway and headed for his room.

I watched as the time on my phone passed by, with each hour I didn't feel any more tired. A million thoughts were racing through my head until I heard a loud bang from Aj's room. I got out of bed and slowly made my way to his room; I walked in to find him on the floor holding his head. "Aj?" I questioned as I rushed to his side "what happened?" I asked. It was clear Aj had fallen out of bed and hit his head, and it was clear he had been asleep, his eyes were barely open. "Hit my head a bit." he slurred his words lightly; I picked him up and helped him to his feet, but his legs shook, and I caught him before he could fall again. "Aj." I held back a laugh as I held him and helped him back to his feet, only for him to fall again. I caught him once more, I held him by his armpits and lifted him into my arms, he twisted and turned until he was basically giving me a bear hug "sweetheart." I sighed as I held him. "Let me stay with you, just tonight" his voice was quiet, and his words were slurred but I heard him. I sighed and carried him to my room, I slid in beside him and wrapped an arm around his stomach, keeping him close to me. "Mhm, goodnight, Nikolas..." he mumbled as he turned in my arms to face me. His head finally found a comfortable resting place on my chest, where he slept peacefully. After hours upon hours of no sleep, Aj's presence calmed me, and I slowly fell asleep in the safety of him. 


sorry about the short chapter, and sorry not much happened here, i'm going to try to release the next chapter within the next few hours but if not ill release it tomorrow night.

only thing we only gave today was the sweetheart line, so there's dinner xx

please tell me if i should add or change something!!

as always, love you and have a good day/night!!

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