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Two days later, it was that time of the month again. As much as I despised the cramps and the discomfort, there was a silver lining to this monthly ordeal. Eugene had always been there to cater to my every need during these days. And boy, did he go above and beyond!

The moment I mentioned my period, Eugene sprung into action. He transformed into my very own personal caretaker, armed with hot water bags and an endless supply of comfort food. He knew exactly what would make me feel better, and he spared no expense in securing those things for me. But what truly melted my heart was his thoughtfulness toward Lorraine. Whatever goodies he bought for me, he made sure to pick up an extra set for her, too. It was these slight gestures that truly spoke volumes about his character.

We lounged around, binge-watching our favorite shows. The pain seemed to fade away, replaced by a comforting warmth that emanated from our shared warmth. It was a stark reminder of just how lucky I was to have Eugene.

"You know, it feels like I am the one benefiting from your pain."

Lorraine commented as she took a sip of the hot coco handed to us by Eugene and pointed at him, who was now preparing lasagna in the kitchen.

"I know, right."

I groaned, but a small smile played on my lips.

Sometimes Eugene and I had a relationship filled with fiery debates and unyielding stubbornness. We clashed over our differing opinions, and there were times when we couldn't even stand the sight of each other. Yet, despite our disagreements, I always knew that, deep down, Eugene cared about me.

My stubborn nature was both a strength and a weakness. While it fueled my determination, I feared that it might push Eugene away. I didn't want to lose someone so special, so I made it a point to swallow my pride and apologize first whenever I was at fault. Even if it wasn't entirely my fault, I would be the one to initiate the conversation, knowing that our bond was far more valuable than winning an argument. And Eugene, being perceptive as ever, understood the unspoken language between us. If I didn't make the first move, he would take the lead, knowing that he had made the mistake this time. Our connection was too strong to let petty disagreements get in the way. So, even when both of us were seething with anger, we would flood each other's Instagram with hilarious and relatable memes until our anger dissolved into laughter.

"Do you have any cousins that resemble you, Eugene?"

Lorraine inquired, and Eugene paused his onion-chopping. He brushed his tears away and turned to face us, blinking quickly. He was really adorable.

"I have. However, they already have girlfriends or are married. And from what I recall, you also have a boyfriend."

Eugene remarked, waving the knife at Lorraine as if condemning her. Yes, he was both adorable and hot. If I wasn't on my period, I would have ripped that apron off his body and smeared whipped cream all over him so I could lick it off. God, he's turning me into a beast.

"I'm just shooting my luck."

Lorraine said it with a sly smirk, and Eugene shook his head, chuckling.

"He's a keeper."

Lorraine whispered to me before getting up and heading back to her room, where we could hear her phone ring. Yes, he's a keeper. But did I deserve him? I wasn't lowering myself, but I didn't want him to be with someone who could only provide him with temporary affection and happiness.

Lost in my thoughts, I was jolted back to reality by the insistent ringing of my phone. I glanced at the screen and saw Cathy's name flashing across it. Cathy was one of my ever-reliable subeditors who had a knack for calling at the most inconvenient times, but right now, she was a welcome distraction from the apprehensions that had been creeping in. With a sigh, I answered the call, preparing myself for another task to add to my never-ending to-do list. Cathy's voice came through the line, brisk and efficient.

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