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"Hey Y/N," Ghost whispers in my ear with arrogance. For fuck sake can't he leave me alone? I find myself praying for the last 3 matches to go faster. "What do we have next?" He asks and, although he sounds genuine, it seems he's just trying to agitate me. Well, I guess he's succeeding.

"Warfare tactics," I respond dryly. I turn my body around my chair to look at him, "Think you'll manage?" I scoff at him and turn around before waiting for his response.

He hesitates a moment. "Yeah.. I'll manage," His voice lost its arrogance that's for damn sure. I'm caught off guard slightly, and turn to face him. Or at least, I intended to face Ghost. Is he still staring at me? I wonder as my eyes catch on König's. His mask covers all of his face except his eyes, I can't help but wonder what he looks like. Why does he go to such an extent to cover all of his face? I want to know. I pry my eyes from him, scolding myself for acting so stupid in front of both him and Ghost. I forgot what I was going to say anyway.

"I yield," A voice cracks along with the sound of bones, snatching my attention away from my conversation. The cadet lets out a yelp as his opponent drops him and walks away.

I stare as a dreadful feeling settles down my back. "Oh god.." I think aloud. The guy is smaller than the majority of the other cadets here, his body is thinner and he has a lot less muscle. I watch as he struggles to stand – clearly in pain – but he ends up crawling off the mat. His leg's broken...

I stand before I can help myself, walking over to the cadet. "Get up," I hold out my hand to the recruit; lifting him up and placing his arm around my neck. He stumbles, pulling me sideways before I can straighten up. Abruptly, König walks up to me and, without a word, takes the guy's other arm. Usually needing help from anyone - especially König - would annoy me, but this time... I'm just grateful.

We walk in silence, making our way to the medical ward, the hallway is filled with nothing but the heavy breathing of the injured guy. The noise is repulsive, so I let my mind wander.

"Why are you helping me?" The injured cadet asks, I think his name is Jerald? Not that it matters, I think. If he breaks that easily he won't last long. I must sound like a hypocrite. But this is my only option. Surviving is my only option.

"Pity," I answer dryly.

After leaving Jerald to the nurses, König walks by my side, making our way to the next lesson of the day.

"You any good at tactics?" He asks quietly.

"You want small talk?" Fuck, I spoke that aloud..? "Uh- Yeah.. I am," I answer. He lets out a small laugh at my response, huh? "What's so funny?" I demand taken aback and slightly offended, "Do you doubt me?"

"No, no!" He throws up his hands in surrender, He's still laughing to himself. "Ghost will though," I smile at how casual he's acting. Maybe he doesn't hate me, I hope. At least he's not going out of his way to threaten me. My mind rolls backwards to what he said, Ghost..? Does he talk about me with Ghost? I shake my head, removing the thought. I'm so fucking stupid.

A moment passes as we near the entrance to the lecture hall. König hesitates, turning my attention to him. Oh god, his eyes are on me again. Or did they stay on me that whole time and I just didn't notice... I stare up at him.

"Are you- Do you.." He hesitates and shakes his head. I stop walking, finding my curiosity peaked at what he's trying to say.

I tilt my head in confusion, "Do I..?"

"Do you hate me?" He stutters, his voice is quiet.

I am taken aback by the question. Do I? I think for a moment, I don't hate him... Even if he hates me. "I don't," I answer. My face flushes as I notice him still staring – analysing me – and I quickly turn to enter the room, leaving him in the hall.

I take a deep breath and find my seat. Just perfect, I think. Staring at the names on the desks next to mine... I read, "König and... Ghost." This is just perfect, I groan internally. I'm squashed between them.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now