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Well, this silence is awkward.

I gave up on trying to plan for the exams about an hour ago. Admittedly, I gave up because, after hours of trying to plan for literally everything, I realised that it's probable we won't even get to decide our groups; that is, if we're in groups at all. There's just too many uncertainties.

Unfortunately, giving up doesn't help when it comes to my spinning mess of thoughts; they're keeping me awake like a newborn child. It doesn't seem like I'm the only one awake though.

Laying faced towards the wall, I listen to the scumbling sound of movement behind me but what really catches my attention is the click of the door. No footsteps, just the door.

My eyes shoot open and I grab out the knife under my pillow as my other hand fumbles for my mask. It's dark – really fucking dark – but my eyes adjust just in time to watch a large figure leave the room.

It has to be someone from inside the dorm, right? I've been awake this whole time and the door didn't open before. Surely no one snuck in. But what if someone did? What could they be looking for and did they find it? I have to know.

Without thinking it through – as usual – I shove on the material of my mask and run-sneak after them, careful not to make any noise when closing the door. I look up the left and right of the hallway, trying to spot which way the intruder went. There's a vague figure to the right.

This feels almost natural. Stalking my prey, the familiarity of the situation reminds me of travelling with Scar's old men. Stealth has always been my strength. Though, I'll admit I'm a little out of practice right now. My breath's heavier than I'd like and there aren't many things to hide behind in these empty hallways. It gives one hell of an adrenaline kick. 

Annoyingly, I almost lost the person twice as I hid behind the corners. Corners like this.

Shit, I lost them. I groan aloud in frustration and flinch at the volume. Slamming my back against the wall, I pray the person I was following didn't hear that stupid mistake. Unfortunately, the approaching steps make it seem that my prayers weren't heard. Sucking in a breath, I rush behind another corner. The adrenaline's kicking up again and I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. This time it isn't as satisfying of a feeling.

I hate that the saying 'the hunter becomes the hunted' is ringing through the back of my mind as I try to double back around yet another corner. Whoever this is, I really don't wanna get caught sneaking up on them. Even if they snuck into my dorm first.

Lost in my thoughts, I hear the quiet footsteps closing in. Shit, I curse myself again.

Scrambling away, I rush for another corner – not bothering to sneak this time – in an attempt to get away. To the corner, I hurry my pace. Curse these stupid empty hallways.

Hands wrap around my wrist and I'm jerked back. A stupid yelp escapes my lips before I can bite my tongue and I grab my knife from my thigh – holding it in my non-dominant hand.

"Woah there." He drops my wrist and holds his hand up in surrender. I'm pretty sure this is him. The silhouette matches the one that left my dorm and his posture seems to be the same. He's also the only other person out this late – getting caught out at night doesn't come with a fun punishment.

Keeping my tone hushed, I seethe, "The fuck did you think you were doing in my dorm?"

He steps back at the accusation, obnoxiously tilting his head. "You mean... Our dorm?"

"Uh- What?" I blurt out, readjusting the knife in my hand to a less threatening pose.

"Y/N," he laughs and it hits me along with a flood of embarrassment. I hadn't heard the dorm open; I would've if someone came in, there's no way I'd miss it. I didn't hear it because he was already in the room.

"Sorry!" It comes out as a quiet squeak and I tuck the knife in my hand back into the strap on my thigh. "I- I thought-"

"I gathered," Ghost cuts me off like an ass. Though, I didn't really know what I was trying to say.

"So what are you..?"

Shushing me, Ghost motions for me to follow. The asshole could've just told me to be quiet, I grumble internally. So, he leads me – silently – outside and around and hell, I don't even know where, I'm just trying not to trip.

And now we're climbing..? I stare up at the ladder, debating whether I want to just go back to my dorm and sleep or not.

"You coming?" Ghost prompts as he leans over the roof, effectively rushing me.

"Uh- Yep." I climb up, not sure what else to do and Ghost gives me a hand as I reach the top – quite literally – but refuses to let go when I get up.

The tiles crunch under our feet and I'm suddenly grateful Ghost's holding on to me. I really don't feel like falling tonight. Plus, it's like pitch black right now; the clouds are gatekeeping any light the moon offers so I have no clue where I'm stepping.

"I'm guessing you couldn't sleep either?" Ghost slides the arrogance out from under his tone. Instead, it just feels... Nice. I wish he was like this with others around.

"Not a wink," I answer honestly and he chuckles – harsh yet soothingly.

"I read the letter." Ghost winces slightly before continuing our small talk or at least I wish it would stay small talk. "The warnings are clear, but you shouldn't stress over something you can't control. We trust you to lead because we know you'll put us before yourself and that-" 

I slip on one of the tiles and fright makes my breath hitch in my throat. Just as quickly as I slip, Ghost grabs my waist to steady me. "Woah there," he lulls, gently waiting for me to steady myself before continuing. Embarrassed, I mumble an apology. 

"As I was saying, we trust you'll do everything you can," he continues leading me across the roof, slightly slower now.

"Sorry that I... I didn't mean to freak out like that." My head hangs low as the words fall from my tongue. "And thanks."

Tightening his grip on my wrist, Ghost hesitates for what feels like a long time. I have no intention of forcing the words out of him, so I change topics. "Where are we going?"

Ghost stops abruptly to face me and just as he does, the moon comes out from behind the clouds. Silver light shines down on his face – illuminating just enough for me to notice...

"Uh-" I slam my eyes shut, "Your mask..." He doesn't have his mask on.

A/N: In the Christmas spirit, I will be posting 2 chapters tomorrow and then will continue posting a week apart <33.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now