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"Anything you want," He teases me, causing my face to rush with heat.

I stumble over my thoughts, "I- uh..." I feel my face redden even more with embarrassment as I scramble my brain for a response. "Okay," My voice comes out in a quiet squeak. His eyes darken and I just know he's smirking under his mask, Asshole. The fact that he's just messing with me annoys me even further, he won't give me shit. He might give me attitude actually, I laugh to myself.

Opening my book, I feel both of their eyes glued to me. Oh god, my stomach churns. As I feel the pages between my fingers, I rip out two spare pages and write a general quiz on them, forcing myself to focus on actually teaching them rather than the sensation of their eyes on me. My body still feels hot though; not only from their eyes but from the memory of their hands on me. It wasn't even like that, I scold myself.

"Show me what you know," I hand them the pages. Hoping that the test will get me some time to collect my thoughts, I idly draw in my book. I desperately need to clear my head, I pray that I can get some time alone soon. I'm actually starting to get a decent collection of drawings of König, but today I get my first of Ghost, bringing a smile to my face.

The air in the room is filled with silence, but comfortable silence. I'm not sure whether Ghost and König know I'm drawing them, It would be kinda embarrassing if they did. But I really get to take in the sights. Glancing over I bite my lip shut, trying not to laugh at Ghost who is clearly struggling with the questions assigned. The laugh still chokes through, turning more into a muffled cough.

"Sorry," I mutter as they turn their attention to me. Fiddling with my pencil, I direct them back to their papers, relieved they didn't question me.


"Ah, fuck this shit!" Ghost leans back in defeat as he growls. I stand from my chair, his sudden movement startles me. "Sorry," He winces at my reaction, calming his voice down. I knew he was getting frustrated, but until now he was containing it well – ish.

Since König finished earlier, he left to go shower while Ghost continues to struggle. I think if anything, that's what annoys Ghost more than not being able to answer the questions.

Cautiously, I sit back down. "They are hard questions," I warn in a half assed attempt to calm him down. Glaring at me, I come to the conclusion it didn't help. I sure have my work cut out for me, I sigh and yawn gently.

Against my own will, the feeling of comfort seeps through my limbs, infecting its way to my heart. I fight it, refusing to let myself become vulnerable again. My eyes limp, growing heavy with my tiredness; it was sudden, hitting me like a fucking bullet and dropping me dead. I fight against the yawns that leave my lips. Eventually dropping my head onto my book, I rest my eyes – intent on only resting – but my body betrays me. I feel myself fall into a light sleep.

Through my daze, I'm aware of the soft hands that lift me onto the comfort of a bed, but my body doesn't react nor does it wake. It's as though I'm conscious, but not controlling my body... Yet it doesn't scare me. Warming comfort spreads through my veins and I give in to the temptation. Releasing the last of my consciousness as I drift to sleep... Peacefully, For once.


I wake as gently as I fell asleep: quick but calm. Or at least, I was calm... Till I noticed where I was. Forcing my lips shut, I glare around the room. It dawns on me that I'm still in Ghost and König's dorm and I relax slightly.

Lifting my body up, I feel the need to check myself. I'm clothed, the same clothes I wore yesterday. Relief blows through me gently, but not enough to fully calm me down. I shift my body so that my legs hang over the bed and I realise, This is Ghost's bed.

Across the room from me, König lies asleep, I think – his face unmasked but faced away from me – I suddenly feel like I'm intruding. At the table, Ghost sleeps still on the chair, leaning onto the table. That looks so uncomfortable, I cringe.

Placing my feet on the floor, I walk towards him. My eyes widen as I see my notebook – open and stuck underneath him – specifically on the page with my drawing of Ghost. Embarrassment crosses my face as I try to tug it out from beneath him, it barely moves an inch.

His head lifts with a groan and my face brightens further. My feet slip as I stumble backwards, a gasp escaping my lips, but I manage to catch myself before I hit the ground. He wakes slowly, turning his head to the sound of my gasp.

He stares, taking a while to process his surroundings. I stare back, almost just as confused. Groaning in pain, Ghost straightens himself on the chair, his gaze dropping down my body. I step back again, unable to read his expression through his mask, Must've been the most uncomfortable nap ever.

Masking his confusion, it seems he finally manages to collect himself. "Good morning," He croaks. Startle rattles up my body at the sound of his voice – harsh, croaky and tired – but his British accent is what catches my attention more than anything, since he's too tired to mask it like he usually does. It's kinda... Hot. "You're staring," His words rush me out of my haze, forcing heat to rush to my face.

"Uh- Good morning," I stutter slightly as I choke out a response. My eyes snap from his to my notebook, the drawing slightly smudged from his face.

Following my eyes, Ghost notices where my attention is turned to and I feel my face brighten once more. "Uh-"

"It's okay," I rush, purposely cutting him off.

He nods and closes the book gently, handing it in my direction. Arm hanging, I force my feet to move towards him and take it from his hand. My hand closes firmly – protectively – on my notebook and I tuck it behind my back.

My eyes catch on something and my embarrassment is instantly replaced with laughter. "Y-You may want to clean your mask," I heave between muffled laughter. I try to quiet down, for König's sake, but all the nerves have been knocked out of me.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now