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"Hate is the most inaccurate word to describe what you make me feel," Ghost mumbles under his breath.

Quietly, I murmur, "Okay." The silence stirs around us for a moment but, before I can stop myself I ask, "Then what's a better word?"

More silence. This time, it feels more like thinking silence. Like Ghost is attempting to find the one word that best describes his feelings; it sounds like such an impossible feat. Shoving down the urge to speak – to fill the quietness – I wait for his answer.

The light of the moon escapes the clouds again and I stare up into the night sky, content on waiting. He's not trying to shut me out, he's just thinking. The moon is almost full tonight, casting a tranquil light down on a quiet world. A quiet world that's anything but tranquil. I see no stars, I can barely see the moon peeking out of the shadowy clouds, but I can picture them twinkling in the sky above us.

I think out of everything I missed when I was trapped, I missed the stars most.

It looks like it might rain; the clouds are a full, murky colour that gives that impression and the air's starting to get thicker. Though, I doubt it'll rain for a while since I can't smell it. Not yet, at least.

After what feels like forever, Ghost turns to me and – while he doesn't say anything – it seems as though he's made up his mind. Leaning towards me, Ghost gently places a hand under my chin and... My gut drops.

He kisses me.

But just as quickly as his lips pressed against mine, they left, leaving the cold to rush in place of heat. I'm left utterly stunned. "A single word wouldn't cut it," Ghost breaks his silence and abruptly stands.

He kissed me.

"Uh- Ghost," I stutter, in too much shock to stand. My head feels like I've been spun around a whirlpool just to get thrown out again.

Meanwhile, Ghost looks – though, he refuses to look at me – impatient to leave yet, still, he waits for me. "We need to go," his tone sharpens and just like that, it's like I'm shut out again.

Shock turns awkwardness. Ghost's already moved on from... Whatever just happened, while I'm here – staring at him as though he's an actual ghost, ironically – stuck in my thoughts.

Why did he kiss me? It was quick yet soft, but I don't understand what the meaning behind it.

The awkwardness spirals its way to frustration and anger in an instant and I'm up on my feet, shoving in front of him like I'm desperate to get away from him.

Failing to turn away the thoughts, I degrade myself for even letting myself be that vulnerable, it was stupid of me. I've been used by men before. Used because they simply want to try something out, to see how it feels. Used because it was convenient and it wasn't just once.

I just didn't expect to be used by him. Then again, I didn't expect to be used by Scar's men, either.

My feet quickly graze over the tiles as I move, creating a crunch under my feet that's barely even audible. It felt like it took us a century to make it to where we were but, I backtracked my way to the ladder in a matter of seconds. It's lucky, too; I make it to the edge just as the moon shifts behind the covers of the sky, filling the world with more darkness than it already had.

Ghost, on the other hand, is clunking loudly as he tries to make his way back to my side.

I seriously don't understand him.

"Fuck, Y/N!" He calls with a heavybreath.

I ignore him. I ignore him like my life depends on it and, right now, it sorta feels like it does. There's a hole in my chest – an aching pain that I hate yet don't understand – and my chest feels like it's tightening. Swinging myself down, onto the ladder, I try to calm my panting breaths as I scurry down.

"Y/N," Ghost calls out again, loudly.

Stupidly enough, I find myself faltering at his call. Ignore him, I remind myself and continue down the stupid ladder. This all feels so wrong. I wish I'd never gotten up and followed him out. I wish I'd gone back to my dorm when I realised it was him – realised there was no threat. Fuck, I wish I could've continued to believe I could trust him.

I wish he could've trusted me.

Planting my feet on the ground, I wobble a little before regaining myself and sneaking back towards the dorms.

It's dark. I vaguely remember the turns Ghost made on his way here but, it's a little hard to convert them to making my way back; especially when I don't remember exact distances between turns.

"Y/N." Ghost sneaks up behind me, grabbing my wrist. "You're going the wrong way," he informs me with a sigh.

Hesitant, I feel Ghost's grip tighten as he directs me. I hate how dependent I feel right now.

With ease, Ghost makes turns, walks certain distances and even dodges several parts in the floor where the stones have lifted – parts that I trip on. Even though I originally ran from him, even though I ignored him when he called my name, Ghost makes sure to catch me before I hit the ground; he makes sure I'm okay before continuing and he's even started warning me about certain things.

Eventually, we make it back to the entrance of the dorms. I can tell because the sun's starting to rise, letting a peak of light flood through from the distance. Though it's a small amount of light, it's just enough for me to be able to see – to be able to navigate this school without falling flat on my ass.

It's enough for me to pull away from Ghost's grip.

"Y/N." This time, I turn to the sound of my name.

I regret it quite quickly, as I'm instantly face to face with an unmasked Ghost and flinch away.

His expression looks pained. Maybe even forced, since there's that annoying softness in his eyes that I used to think was him actually caring. "Our dorm is this way." He nods his head in the direction opposite of where I'd turned to.

"Your dorm," I correct before turning on my heel. After all, my dorm is the other way and that's where I intend to go.

"Fuck- Y/N!" He grabs my wrist, again. "It's our dorm," he bites out the words.

Half-heartedly, I try to yank my arm back out of his reach but, it's no use. The more I struggle, the tighter he holds on.


It's his tone that makes me cave. It's like a sulk, yet still sounds like he's really begging. I swear, I can never turn away from it; he probably uses it knowing that.

Still, I relent, letting him drag me back to his dorm like a dog on a leash.

A/N: Merry Christmas to those reading as I post <33

Next update: 1st of Jan (2024), 12:00 AM GMT+10

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