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Y/N's POV:

By the time we make it back to campus, the sky is completely dark and the dining hall is buzzing with cadets. Whether or not I'm going to get in trouble for skipping class – or running off campus – I don't know, nor do I have the energy to care.

I feel Ghost's heart beating against my chest as I cling to him, my ankle aching from when I fell earlier. He walks us past the hall and towards his room. My breathing's much calmer than before, but there's still a hint of terror nagging at me.

Sitting me on his bed, Ghost goes to fetch a few things from his bathroom. I shift uncomfortably on his clean sheets, knowing my clothes are ragged, bloody and muddy.

"It's alright," He assures me as he comes back into the room. He kneels at my side and looks up at me, "Which foot is it?"

Flustered, I stutter slightly. "Uh- The... The right," I manage.

With kindness I've never seen from Ghost, he unties my boots and gently supports my foot with his hand. He gently moves the joint and I grimace from the sharp jolt of pain that spreads up my leg.

"Sorry," He utters quickly. "Doesn't seem broken at least. Just sprained," He confirms.

"Didn't know you were a doctor," I tease slightly, feeling more comfortable.

He scoffs but doesn't speak as he wraps my ankle. I find myself staring into his deep blue eyes as he works. I am caught off guard by his kindness. Though it isn't the first time he's cared for me, I can't shake the odd feeling it gives me. He's always been so rough with me – at least, he was before our mission – then he was kind, then he was an absolute jerk and now he's being kind again. I'm so confused, I groan internally as I pull myself out of my thoughts.

"How's that feel?" He asks as he looks up at me, finished binding my ankle.

I feel heat rush to my face and I shift my attention back to my ankle, gently rolling and testing my weight on it. "It feels better, thanks." I smile with my eyes. "I should uh- Go now," I lean over to get my boot from the floor.

Teasingly, Ghost pulls it out of my reach. "What about your other injury?" He cocks an eyebrow at me playfully, but his tone is deadly serious.

I find myself once again pinned in place by his words. "I-" I lower my head to look away from him. "I'm alright," I lie through my teeth. My tone says it all. I hate how powerless I feel against him.

"Let me look at it or I clean every single cut on your body," Ghost threatens.

I flinch slightly, I have cuts all over my body. My face flushes slightly as he moves towards me. "Fine," I show him my left arm and his eyes widen. I know what's coming next so, I may as well answer now, I decide with a sigh. "I got hit while saving Captain Price," I admit. "It's just a scratch though," I protest as he moves to clean the dirt that I missed out of the cut.

I flinch as he dabs a clean cloth at the wound, my blood seeping into the material. He moves his free hand slightly to support me while he finishes cleaning it. The feeling of his hands sending tingles up my body, His hands are so big... I watch him closely. For once, I'm not scared of him towering over me.

"Please... Don't tell König," I ask with a quiver in my tone. "I don't want him to worry." Ghost's eyes coldly glaze over his once delicate tone at my words. "Did I say something wrong?" I curse myself, I meant to think not to say.

Ghost shakes his head, "Nothing at all." His tone is harsher... No- Sadder? He stands up to put his stuff back, leaving me alone to my thoughts on his bed.

"Y/N?" König's voice speaks from the door, startling me. "Are you alright?" He edges towards me cautiously. I nod.

At what couldn't be worse timing, Ghost reappears from the bathroom. König turns to him, his body tenses as he approaches Ghost. Sensing the hostility coming from the two, I try to get between them, twinging at the pain in my ankle. Clumsily, I stumble between them, breathing heavily through the pain.

"Y/N," Ghost moves to support me, placing his hand around my waist.

König steps back. I look at him to try and destress the situation but his eyes startle me – they're full of rage. "What happened?" He demands, his German accent thickening in his anger.

My body instantly tenses. Probably feeling me flinch, Ghost tightens his grip on my waist protectively and pulls me slightly back. Sweet, but definitely not helping the situation. König growls, "So you two are suddenly close now too??" His voice hints at jealousy.


"Lower your voice," Ghost cuts me off. The intensity of this is killing me.

My head spirals, This is happening because of me. The protectiveness they both feel towards me is suffocating the air in the room.

"Please stop," My voice wavers as I push off Ghost. Walking hurts like fucking hell right now, I stumble towards a chair at their table. I know if they decide to fight, I can't stop it, so I have to stop it now. They inch closer to each other, now that I'm not in the way. "Enough," I order as firmly as I can manage.

Ghost covers his emotions in his eyes. Without a word, he hands me my notebook – that I must've forgotten about in my panicked state – and leaves the room, slamming the door shut. The bang of the door makes me flinch, its sound echoing in my ears.

Gently, König grabs the chair opposite me and sits down. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding before explaining the... 'Jist' of what happened– leaving out some personal details.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now