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A thousand thoughts whirl through my head.

"So what's the plan again?" James continues to pester me, the tapping of my leg only growing more agitated.

That's exactly the question I'm trying to find an answer to.

But we have no location, barely any information and therefore absolutely no fucking strategy.

Anything could happen.

"Shut up and let her think," Ghost nudges him away.

Burying my head in my hands, I think aloud. Not because I want their help, but because I can't hear my own thoughts over their worry.

"There are 4 hilly ranges within a 100km radius of school grounds – here. 2 are mostly grassy, little cover but little treachery. The others..."

My finger taps rapidly on the table.

I know this area. I'd looked it up for possible escape routes the moment I was told I'd be going here but...

My memory is foggy.

"The mountain range we flew over on our first mission went into the clouds," Ghost recalls. "It was rocky – looked pretty dangerous."

I shake my head.

"The other one, more west. On cold days or overnight it snows, meaning the terrain will be slippery, rocks will be unstable and it'll have at least 2 types of flora. If it's snowing while we're up there... Just bring warm clothes.

The foot of the mountain is abundant with pine trees and a few others uhm... I don't know about further up. There are tons of ledges to get advantages off and people will most likely sabotage each other so stay alert and keep your distance. There'll be traps... Possibly a simulation of guns or possibly real guns, I can't know."

"Real guns..?" Isobel squeaks with uncertainty.

Shaking my head, I admit, "I don't know how far Scar will go."

"And what if you're wrong about the area?"

"It'll be the same deal. We'll need to practice climbing without ropes, dodging and camouflage."

Silence settles through the room. I know they're just brewing with questions but...

Nerves run through me. Cautiously, I look up at Ghost; he nods. The others look between each other, confused.

Finally, Soap speaks up, "What if there are teams?"

Unease settles on my shoulders, "We won't know till the day." We only have a week to prepare, which, is more than we got last time, at least. "For now, all we can do is prepare for the climb."


A stressful night passes and we're all up for group-planned training. Thanks to Ghost, we got permission to scout out an area around the school grounds that would work for climbing activities but, unfortunately, not many places fit what I was looking for.

With a sigh, I place my hands on my hips and look up at the small, rocky cliff we found to climb. "It's the best we've got," it's technically all we've got.

We've dedicated 4 days to climbing and the other 3 for fitness and strategy. Today and tomorrow, we're on ropes, since some of us – including myself – have never done rock climbing before but otherwise, we're free climbing.

"I'd say it's about 20 meters high," König moves up to the wall and starts testing stability. Grabbing a rope he begins to free solo his way up the cliff.

Pebbles start tumbling after his movement and anxiety runs through me. "Be careful." It may be his expertise but, if he falls from that height, it could still injure him and that's the last thing I need.

I've probably had enough injuries for the group this term on my own.

A large rock slips under his foot as he's halfway up and for a moment, his body slips and movement halts. Everyone's' breath catches. Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall. Regaining his grip, König continues to climb steadily.

Making his way to the top, König lifts himself over the edge and immediately starts to hook the rope onto the rock for safety. Seemingly satisfied with the safety of the rope, he uses it to climb back down.

"Who's up next?" A proud smile grows on his face as he dusts off his hands.

I mumble, "Show off," as I look around for anyone willing to go next.

Devilish blue eyes fall on me but swiftly, Ghost sweeps me off my feet – launching me backwards – before catching me like a 'gentleman' and smirking. "I think you should."

The bastard basically just pushed me into the rope.

Now that I'm right up at the cliff, it looks a lot further than before; anxiety churns my stomach. "Alright."

Gently, I grasp the rope hanging over the cliff but, as I do, König hands me another rope. With deer eyes, I look up at him, confused.

"We have 2 ropes. May as well use them both," he shrugs and moves further to the side, giving me room.

With a hard swallow, I tighten my grip on the rope and begin the climb.

Instantly, my feet slip and rocks crumble down as I grip the rope for dear life, even though I could probably jump and be fine from this point. The fibres dig into my hands and I swing my legs back against the rock.

A few more steps and my arms are aching.

Looking up, I attempt to stead my breathing but I am very aware of my hands slowly slipping down the rope.

Fixing my grip on the rope, I curse and continue the climb.

König made it look so easy and he did it without a rope.

Finally, I reach the top, secure the second rope and toss it down but, they all look at me as though I'm going to jump back down like König did.

I groan – not in the mood for rope burn – and test the rope once more before slowly making my way back down.

I find myself grateful my feet are on stable ground again.


Between our overly excessive rock climbing lessons, I've been working on strategy, Soap's been helping with camouflage and Ghost's been forcing everyone into combat on tightropes and small areas and shit.

But, my personal training – while it has severely decreased – is yet another tolling thing on my agenda.

I just want a break at this point.

Sadly, there's no such thing as breaks when we're on missions.

A/N: I'm sorry about the slow updates (they will probably continue to be slow) I've been caught up in school work but will try my best to continue posting.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now