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Here goes nothing!

Guns flare as I breach the room, and I instinctively duck – probably saving my life. Narrowing in on who's friend and foe, I shoot at the guard closest to the door. Price takes the opportunity presented and slams into the other, stabbing the guy with his own knife.

We both stare at each other, chests heaving.

"The fuck are you doing here?!" He demands, finally breaking the silence.

I scoff as though it wasn't obvious, "Taking a fucking stroll- The fuck do you think??" My voice is etched with sarcasm, I'm so mad right now. Well- Not that mad but still fucking mad. Why did I want to save this shit again? I ask myself.

"And the others?" He raises an eyebrow at me, expectantly.

I blink out of my thoughts, "They left to complete the mission. It's just us."

Price grabs one of the guns off the dead guards and scoffs, "So why are you here? The General would never allow you to be this risky with his asset."

I sigh and place the palm of my hand on my face. "I'm getting you out," I confirm. "Orders or not," Emphasis on the not there, Whoops..! Price opens his mouth to speak but shuts it at the sound of footsteps up the stairs. We both know that if we plan to get out of here alive, we have to get out of this house first and soon.

Grabbing my wrist, Price pulls me out of the room and then out a window from the room next door. I bite my tongue trying not to scream as we fall down the back of the house.

With no elegance whatsoever, I land on top of Price and wince. "Sorry!" I half yelp, half whisper as I scramble off him.

He groans, "No worries." A tone of sarcasm rings in his voice and I can't help but laugh lightly. He stands up groggily as I brush my probably bruised butt. "What now?" He looks at me as though I have a plan.

I curse, "Uh- The forest for cover." I pray I'm not digging both our graves as I pull a plan out of my ass, "Once we're clear we can call for a heli- Or something..?"

He scoffs – probably at my clear uncertainty – and nods. "Though I hate to admit it, you're not a bad leader," He claps my shoulder encouragingly before taking the lead. I don't even have a team to lead right now, I scoff at his comment. Lifting my left arm, I'm suddenly reminded of the gaping pain in my left shoulder; I grimace as I push down the pain. No time to lose.


"Captain Price," Gaz calls out as we exit the helicopter – just as 'planned'. He seems happy, I smile slightly under my mask. "The target is secure," He assures as he claps Price on the shoulder. I nod respectfully at him as a greeting as I stride into the shack nearby.

My classmates- No my teammates stand as they see me. I laugh at their horribly dim expressions, "I'm not dead you idiots." I can't help but smile, We fucking did it. My expression changes as I look around, "Where's Ghost?"

Keegan nods towards Price's teammates... Why is Ghost with them? I wonder. Walking over, I don't get the nicest looks as a greeting. More... Glares of hatred and mistrust, Even though I just saved thier captain. My body shutters. "You- Uh-" I stutter, "Thanks for the- Headphones." I hand them back to him and turn away, What is wrong with me? I can't help but wonder if I offended him in some way. His eyes were so conflicted upon the sight of me and I can't help but wonder why, It's not like I can see the rest of his face, which doesn't help.

Price walks into the room with Gaz at his side, "Well done Cadets, your ride back to the academy is here."

With all this going on, I completely forgot I'd have to go back to that shithole. The realisation hits me like a bullet. I shake my head with a sigh, I'm sure anyone else would give anything to be safe at the academy. Without a word, I walk past him and head to the heli.

I feel disappointed. It's stupid, but the battlefield was my home once, I'm sure I could make it my home again. As for the academy well.. That place will never be my home.

While I'm still alone, I check my injury. I'll have to disinfect it when I get back to my dorm, I groan at the idea. I hear the other's footsteps approaching and quickly wrap the bandage over the cut again. Quickly, I pull the black ribbon in my hair out and wrap it on top of the bandage, blending it in with my clothes.

One by one, my teammates pack into the helicopter. They all look relieved... I can't shake the horrid feelings that are swelling up in my chest. I'm tired. Mentally and physically exhausted. The feeling of guilt hits me like a wave, followed by anxiety. Unlike the others, my clothes are still covered in blood. I gag, forcing myself not to throw up. Not again.

Lifting my legs up to my chest, I place my head between them. My eyes are heavy. Giving in to my tiredness, I let myself fall into a shallow sleep for the ride back.


A gentle hand grasps my shoulder, "Y/N."

Groggily, I raise my head. Rubbing my eyes I look up at who's speaking to me.

"We're about to land," König informs me softly. His eyes are such a pretty shade of green, I stare up into them.

"Thanks," I yawn and place my feet back on the ground. I must've slept longer than I thought, My brain wakes up slowly. Looking around, I finally notice that everyone is staring at me. My face flushes. Why did I let myself look vulnerable around them?! I scold myself, Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Turning my head to look out the window, I try to forget. Try being the keyword. At least I'll look distracted, I hope.

The heli lands with a thump. As the leader, everyone waits for me to get up first and I am unsure how I feel about it. Cautiously, I stand and test my legs on the solid ground. I'm wobbly but stable enough. The others follow me out cheerfully, but I am in no mood for a chat. I head to my dorm.

Right now, all I want is to be alone, I lie to myself.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now