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"Alright let's get this show moving," Price commands. His eyes are still piercing with accusations as he turns to me, "You're not getting out of my sight, little Murderer." His voice is harsh and low, causing my gut to drop, He knows. Anxiety and anger creep up my throat as the pieces finally add up. "I said let's go!" He hurries me out the door. There's too much to think about to hold a grudge against an ally, Even if the ally's a jerk.

We're squashed into the back of two trucks like sardines – one for team alpha and one for team beta. Except, Alpha has 7 members... The truck has 6 seats.

"Uh- I'll stand," König offers politely.

"No, no-" I quickly shut him down. "I'm short enough anyway," I admit. I doubt anyone else here would be able to stand without having to lean over, Especially not König. He nods, resting back down in his seat. I lean up against the wall of the car, squishing myself in a thin gap between the driver's seat and König's.

As the car begins to move, I stumble slightly, praying no one notices. The dirt road is rough and uneven, causing the car to frequently rock from side to side. Subtly, König moves his arm to support me. He's so observant, I note while forcing down a smile. It's not much, but it's enough help to get me through the ride without constantly wanting to slit my throat. And it's sweet.

"Alpha 1 to Beta, do you copy?" Price checks before we exit the vehicle.

"All beta copy," Gaz confirms.

"Alpha team, approaching on target." Price switches off his coms and turns to us, "We sweep all floors, bottom to top."

My heartbeat rises from the tension, I haven't been on the battlefield for a while. The team fans out, crawling through the grass and hiding behind objects to pick off lone AQ members on patrol. Price stays on my ass.

"Alpha 0-3 target heading your way stay down," I warn.

Price scoffs and shoves my shoulder, "You're not in charge here." I nod and draw my attention back to my teammate, and due to Price's distraction, the guy is basically on top of him now. They're pinned. "Alpha 0-3 engage if you can," Price commands.

Of course he can't fucking engage, I scoff at the stupidity, The guys right on top of him. I gently unsheathe a small knife at my waist, placing the elegant point between my first and second fingers. It's a hard hit from here, probably 100 meters with a north-easterly breeze, And it's fucking awkward. If I miss and hit 0-3, I doubt Price will hesitate to put me down like he would a dog.

Lifting my hand up, I let the dagger fly. Price reacts slowly, pulling me down with a gun at my head. "The fuck are you doing?!" He demands. My breathing is heavy, but I show no signs of fear.

A long moment passes as Price stares daggers at me.

"Shit, nice hit Y/N!" Alpha 0-3 speaks through the coms. At the sound of his voice, Price's shoulders instantly relax.

He steps off me cautiously, "Lucky shot." His voice is filled with irritation, but his posture shows that he's just relieved. He must care a lot about his team, I hope. That or he just hates me.

Lengthy minutes pass, and we get to the front of the building to breach. "Beta this is Alpha ready to breach," Price announces.

"Copy that, Beta is ready to breach."

One of Price's teammates places a bomb on the doors and counts down from 3. The bang echoes in my head as my ears ring. I hear muffled voices as I cover my ears, sliding my back down against the wall to stop myself from falling over. I can't focus. I can't hear, panic creeps through my bones. Apparently, the headset I received wasn't noise cancelling, Not helpful for someone with the equivalent hearing of a dog! I curse Scar again – not that it's his fault since I never actually told anyone – he's just easy to blame.

I hear the muffled sound of my name being called repetitively. Looking up, I see Ghost leaning down at me as Price stands at the door. The others must've gone inside, I struggle up to my feet. "Sorry," I wince.

Ghost gently grabs my waist to steady me, taking his headphones off and handing them to me before taking mine. "It'll help," He promises. Quickly, he turns – placing my old headset on his head – and enters the building.

"Clear, heading upstairs." One of Price's teammates confirms.

"Right behind you," Price pushes in front of me towards the stairs. "Seems the Little One is over her fit," he scoffs.

Fuck you, I don't dare speak aloud. Price follows his 4 teammates and König up the stairs as Ghost and I quickly follow behind. Everyone's on edge. Guns flare as the sound of bullets cascades when we reach the top. At the silence, we spread out into three groups; König and two others clear the left side, Ghost and the other spread out right while Price watches me as I guard the stairs.

"Clear," Ghost confirms.

"Clear here too," König's group confirms.

Heading up the stairs, we clear room after room. Or at least, Ghost and König are clearing the rooms while I'm stuck being babied by Price.

"Last room," Price heads to the door and barges in. The sound of bullets fly as he enters the room – forcing everyone else to hide behind the wall. The shooting stops. "Got him," Price shoves a guy out the door. There's blood over everyone. Everyone but me. but at least we got him. Makarov pushes against Price as he's handed over to one of the teammates I don't know the name of.

"Alpha 1 to Watcher and Beta, target acquired." Price speaks through the coms.

"Copy that Captain, heading back to rendezvous," Gaz replies for his team.

"Guards up Alpha, reinforcements are arriving." One of the Pilots warns, "Get out of there quickly before they get closer."

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