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(A/N: chapter includes violence, gore, death and human trafficking)

The village is on fire.

I don't have a clue why, I don't know what's happening but the village is on fire!

"Mama," I sob into her chest as the panic fills my lungs. She hushes me, just as she has every other time I've tried to talk; every time I've tried to understand what's happening. I just can't comprehend it. She just hushes me and tells me to "be brave" or "stay quiet" as she drags me into alleyways, into random people's houses or bushes.

I hear men shouting, the sound of bullets flying and the screams of people – of my friends, my neighbours and even the people I didn't get to know. I hear people crying and begging but at the same time, I hear nothing but my own heartbeat.

It hurts to listen. It hurts when I hear familiar voices stretch and scream and it hurts like hell when the barrage of bullets gets near me. I can hear everyone's heartbeats and it's overwhelming. So it's easier to just focus on my heartbeat; no one else's.

Even if it makes me unaware of my surroundings and even if I'm terrified of getting caught by whatever – whoever – is attacking the village, it's easier to tone it out. So, I continue to let my mother drag me as my tiny legs stumble to keep up with her.

That is, I continue till I trip on something. Falling to the ground, my eyes shut tight and the air is slammed out of my lungs as I flop loosely onto something warm. I don't remember if I made any noises, but I probably did.

"Hurry Y/N!" My mother's panicked voice sends yet another surge of panic through me and I claw at the ground as I pull myself up. However, I make the mistake of looking down – at what I fell on and at myself.

I tripped over someone's dead body.

Staring down at my hands, I feel the blood burning my skin. Then I realise: it's not just my hands, there's blood all over me.

My eyes widen in pure horror as I vigorously gag, trying not to throw up. They're dead. I repeat the words in my head like a mantra, suddenly overstimulated and in complete shock.

I was scared before. But that was nothing like the pure horror I feel now. It's cold, petrifying andunwavering.

It riles up my stomach like it wants to play a game of 'throw up without getting shot' and I'm pretty sure I'll get shot.

I feel my chest tighten as I remain in place – still as a statue. Breathing hurts. My pulse spikes again, the terror coming in waves. I'm going to die. These men are going to kill me, my panicked state does nothing but make my body tremble; the adrenaline is too overwhelming. My blood is circulating toofast. I'm breathing too fast.

I can hear everything. I can feel everything. I want it all to stop.

Please just let it stop.

It burns, it hurts, I'm scared. "M-Mama I'm scared," the words should never have left my lips.

The next thing I know, someone's hands are on me. They're not friendly, either. The grip is harsh – bruisingly harsh – and my mother lets out a terrified cry, as do I.

"We got another two women over here!" A man shouts. I feel his voice rumble through his chest, passing the vibration to my body. My limbs go stiff as another wave of pure panic comes crashing down over me, sweeping me away and leaving me to drown.

I'm going to die.

Cold beads of sweat drip down my spine and everything comes crashingdown. I scream. "Let me go!" I try – and fail – to kick my captor but my eyes are trained on my mother. My mother, who's already turned to leave, is running away.

I don't blame her but at the time, I was just a small child and the abandonment hit rock fucking hard.

"Let me go, let me go, LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" I scream – beg – as I claw at their grip. "MAMA!!" Tears stream down my eyes as I watch the last part of her slip past my sight, another man close on her tail.

I hear her scream next. Followed by the release of a bullet.

A/N: Next update: 15th of Jan (2024), 12:00 AM GMT+10

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora