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As much as I tried to contain my laughter, I failed horrendously. König claims he doesn't mind waking to my laughter, but I still feel guilty considering today is our one day off – Sunday. The way he worded it was also... A little weird, I shake my head.

Walking me to my dorm, König keeps glancing at me and asking if I'm okay. Honestly, I feel a lot better and the twinges in my ankle are much more bearable now. That doesn't stop him from worrying though.

"I'll wait for you out here," He announces quietly. I forgot they decided to guard me and the guilt trickles back up my throat.

"Y-You can at least wait inside," I offer with a stutter. The last thing I want is for everyone to see König waiting outside my room; it would look kinda creepy.

Nodding, König agrees to wait inside. My room is... Decently clean, but not spotless like theirs. I don't have clothes on the floor, at least. Though, my sheets are messed up and a few things – mostly knives – are scattered across the floor haphazardly. Then there's my bathroom.

Ew, I gag as I walk into the mess I left on the floor. The blood's dried and is starting to stink – since I didn't clean it nor did I dispose of it – and there's blood on the tiles, not just the bandages.

Clearing his throat, König brings my attention back to him. "D-Do you want me to deal with that..?" He asks with a stutter, but sweetly.

I went back to my dorm to shower – since my room actually has one – but I'd completely forgotten about the 'future me' problems. Yesterday was the furthest thing from planned. "No, I've got it," I sigh as I pick up the mess off the floor. The smell's strong, but nothing I'm not used to. Placing my collection of bandages into the bin, I grab a small cloth and dampen it under the tap. Since the blood isn't that old, it's not hard to get rid of and I place the cloth in the bin with the rest of my shit.

König's worry-filled eyes haven't left me the whole time, though he's finally taken a seat. "I'll be quick," I promise as I grab some new clothes and close the door.

It feels good to shower again. It's probably been like half a week since my last shower and I smell like shit. Placing my head under the running water, I wash the dried blood out of my hair – along with a few other gross things I won't mention – before moving to the rest of my body. I probably smell worse than the bloodied cloths that were on my floor, since I have dirt on me too. The only clean parts of me are my wounds.

Closing my eyes, I try not to focus on the blood that falls down the drain. The blood of others – lives I took – and my own blood. It's not the first time I've been covered in blood and it sure as hell won't be the last, but it still makes me queasy sometimes; I guess that makes me human.

The pain in my left arm is dull but blunt as I try my best to dry my hair. Giving up, I move to the rest of my body which doesn't hurt as much. My painkillers are still in König and Ghost's dorm, so I'll have to go back to get them. Honestly, I think Ghost is keeping them there purposefully – to keep me near him.

"Feeling better?" König greets me as I open the bathroom door. I nod, offering a small smile.


The month passes by ever so slowly as I recover from my injuries. Ghost and König have been on my ass, stopping me from any training I've attempted, but at least they've kept me company. I've come to trust that they actually care for me.

They've both gotten better at battle tactics and are now fighting me for the title of top student, as ironic as that sounds. Though the nurse told Rowan that I only needed a month of recovery, he's banned me from participating in hand-to-hand combat classes for another 2. At least I'm still allowed to practice aim and agility though.

Word got out that I was injured but most people didn't give a shit, thankfully. Soap and Keegan have come to visit me a few times, which is nice. I'm not a loner anymore. I'm vaguely familiar with a few of my other classmates as well; some female friends and a few more males. Hassan's left me decently alone too, probably since Rowan has him on toilet cleaning duties for breaking the rules. Sucker, I scoff.

Currently, I'm stuck in the training area with Ghost and König – who are training against each other – while I draw or throw knives at the wall. Whatever helps me get my anger out, I guess. Admittedly, I have shied away from drawing these two recently, since Ghost opened his big mouth about them – to compliment my skills, but still. He found it amusing, watching me choke on my own words as he flicked through the pages.

"Y/N," I'm pulled out of my thoughts. Officer Rowan – who looks a little unimpressed by the sight of Ghost and König's sweaty states – trots towards me. "A letter from Captain Price, addressed to you," He hands me the letter and lingers over me, waiting for me to open it.

"Uh- Thank you," I stutter as I tuck the letter into my book. I have no clue why he wants to know what it says but it feels like an invasion that he does. "I'll tell you if any of the contents are of concern, don't worry," I shoot him away. Ever since Rowan saw me injured, he's become more like an overworking, paranoid father than a superior officer to me; I've been able to treat him more casually because of it though so I won't complain. Being a teacher's pet here has so many benefits.

Nodding, Rowan strolls off to wherever he goes in his free time.

"So, what's it say?" Ghost pesters me as he flops down beside me, finally deciding to take a break. I sigh at his nosiness.

"None of your business," I clip but he takes my notebook in return. "Hey," I scramble to grab it out of his hands and laugh. "Asshole," I mutter as he hands the letter back, but not my book.

"I think I'd look hotter shirtless," Ghost teases as he shows König one of my more recent drawings. I'm not entirely sure which one he's showing, but I have an idea. My collection has grown from just studying pictures, to combat stances too. It's much harder to draw – since they're always moving – but it's still entertaining.

"You might stink less too," I tease as I shove my elbow into his side, causing him to wince. Payback is a bitch, I laugh.

Moving my attention back to the letter in my hands, I spin it around a few times. "I feel like it's rigged," I mutter and they both laugh at me. Grabbing my book back from Ghost, I tuck the note back inside, deciding to leave it for later.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now