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I stretch my arms, glad to finally relax. My limbs were itching to move that whole lesson. At least Ghost left me alone, a sigh escapes my lips as I glance around the courtyard. I examine a large archway leading to the oval, there are several different training stations – targets, obstacle courses, you name it – spread across the rim. Within the courtyard there's a circle of luscious trees and plants guard the perimeter, surrounding what looks like a public study or hangout area. Honestly, for a murder school, this place looks fucking nice.

"Y/N!" Farah waves me over from a small corner, "Nice to see you're still alive." I approach her with a forced smile. Around her are a bunch of second years - like her - who don't seem to pay me any attention whatsoever.

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding and greet her, "Hey."

Unfortunately for me, it seems her friends are paying more attention to me than I thought. They turn to face me, well- glare at me is more accurate. "(Arabic)What an unwanted surprise," One of the guys to her left scoffs. "The General's pet!" Another laughs at me.

Aggravated, I feel my hands tighten into fists. "(Arabic) Enough!" Farah snapped, effectively shutting them all up and I let my hands drop to my side slowly. Fucking cunts. She turns to me and nods, dismissing me, and returning the nod I leave. May as well just hang out in my dorm, I tell myself accepting the fact that I have no friends or allies here. At least the general made sure I had a private room. I scoff at the thought of him, He's no good for much else.

As I walk towards the dorms I notice a small group of guys heading the same way, snickering at me. "If it isn't the General's little pet!" I hear, followed by the group laughing.

"So funny," I mock.

"We could have more fun y'know," One of them calls out and this time I turn to them. Hassan stands with his ever so cocky face cocked at me. "Couldn't we, Bunny~."
(Bunny, short for Barracks Bunny which basically means whore)

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Turning on my heel, I decide not to engage any further. They just want to see you mad, I scold myself. To my stupid surprise, they follow me. They're getting closer than I'd like, Shit.

Picking up my pace, I pivot away from where my dorm would be. If they're planning to jump me frequently I can't let them know where my dorm is. Quickly, I cut a corner, hoping to lose them around the next. Almost there.. My breathing is harsh through my mask, but I can't let that slow me down.

"Eek-" I let out a muffled squeak as someone's hand grabs me by the waist as their other covers my mouth. I'm pulled into a room and my heart drums in my head as I struggle against their grip.

It's dark. I can't see. Fear creeps up my throat. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I want to scream. But whoever's hand is over my mouth is much stronger than I am.

"Calm down," His voice is hushed. Wait- It's familiar.

I try to steady my breathing as he gently lifts his hand off my mouth. "Who the fuck are you?!" I demand while keeping my voice small. His grip on my waist keeps me pressed firmly against him, allowing me to note that whomever this is, they're tall. He laughs gently and it hits me, "König?"

My body relaxes as I realise it is him.

"What happened?" He asks as he turns the room light on. I blink furiously as my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness. Oh shit, my gut drops as I acknowledge where I am. This is.. König and Ghosts dorm.

Heat rushes to my face, "I- Uh.." I stutter, Oh god. "I was-" I lower my head slightly - avoiding looking into his eyes. "Hassan and his mates were hunting me," I admit.

He doesn't respond. What's going on? I wonder, What's he thinking? Why does he have to be so hard to read?! My fists curl in frustration, I hate how he makes me spiral like this.

A long moment passes until he finally responds, "And you're alright?"

I nod.

Cautiously, König walks over to the lone desk on his side of the room and sits on a chair. "That's good then," He glances between me and the chair opposite him. "I won't force you to stay," He says nervously with a sigh. "But you- You can stay here for a while if you want," He offers.

"You want me to stay?" I ask bluntly out of my overwhelming confusion.

He winces, I think? "I could.. use a tutor in war tactics?" His voice is filled with uncertainty, making his statement sound more like a question. "Uh- If you're willing that is-" He quickly adds. He's dodging the question.. I note.

I am silent for a long while, leaning against a wall near the door. It would be unwise to just leave, Hassan could jump me again. I consider my options, But staying here could be the death of me- Since when was I a lovesick 13 year old? I'm so dramatic, I laugh at myself before answering. "Why not?" I push myself off the wall, "Consider it repayment for helping me earlier."

I walk over and sit across from him, staring up at him with a smile through my mask, Fuck whys he's so tall? Time flies as I help him with the homework assigned. It's fairly easy since I only have to answer his questions and proofread his work when he asks. Otherwise, I'm just sketching in my book while he works – drawing him. It's nice in all honesty. How long has it been? I wonder.

The door flings open and I jump out of my chair. "Fucking hell," I mumble under my breath. There goes the calmness, I sulk to myself.

"The fuck is she doing here?!" Ghost glares at me with such intensity I want to run... Except he's kinda in the doorway..!! He crosses his arms, looking for an answer. That jerk's staying in the doorway on purpose! I realise. 

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora