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"Let's go," Price leads the way down the stairs. He's cautious, but moving much faster than before. He's definitely rushing. Upon reaching the front door Price curses under his breath, "Everyone go around, I'll cover you." The enemy troops were already on us. Shit!

We nod, rushing out the door as Price starts sniping several enemies as they advance on us. Leading the group, I unsheathe my gun and shoot any close targets. It's difficult since I can't hit the ones far away, but it works, and I don't miss.

"You shouldn't limit yourself to such short range," One of Price's teammates breathes harshly as we duck behind a brick wall. My heartbeat is drumming in my head. Fuck, I try taking deep breaths to calm myself down.

Turning to my right, I shoot an enemy through the chest. "I have my reasons," My breathing is just as harsh as his. Quickly, I get up and duck behind the next object and pick off any enemies nearby before signalling for the rest of the team to follow.

Finally, we all make it to the truck – rushing everyone inside I do a headcount – but Price is still missing. "Shit!" I kick at the dirt, "Go, get Makarov out. I need to go get Price," I order impulsively. For fucks sake Price!

Turning to head back, Ghost grabs my shoulder, "You can't."

"I can," I correct. "Now get going, I'll catch up! That's an order." I duck behind a nearby rock and shoot at enemies who are barely in my gun's range while the others make their escape. I groan at myself, I'm so fucking stupid.

Considering my options, I decide it's best to quickly make my way back to the house the way we came back. They've most likely assumed I left with the others, so at least I may have an edge of surprise.

Sneaking between rocks, cars and another other objects I can hide behind, I hop between the shadows since my gear isn't camo. Although, it is much quieter than everyone else's jangly gear. That doesn't stop my heart from feeling as though it's going to burst, nor does it stop the overwhelming amount of adrenaline being pumped through my veins.

About 200 meters more, I estimate the distance from the door. Creeping over to a nearby guard, I unsheathe a small dagger and fling it at his throat. He goes down with a thump. I hesitate – hoping no one heard anything – before picking his sniper out of his warm hands as well as my knife from his neck. I quickly wipe the blood off my knife and onto my pants.

With a little difficulty, I move to rest the sniper on a broken concrete wall and stare through the scope. There's a patrol circling the building, and a few people at the front of the door. Do they not learn? I wonder with a scoff as I realise this is the exact setup as before we infiltrated.

Placing the sniper down, as it was too much extra weight, I head past the door and slip through a side window. The crunch of glass fills my ears as I try not to slip, grabbing onto a nearby countertop. That was close, I pray I didn't just jinx myself.

My answer comes sooner rather than later, as I hear a single pair of footsteps moving towards to me. My instincts scream run. I could damn well kill the guy quickly with minimal sound, but my joints itch to jump back out the window and call a quits.

The footsteps are getting louder – closer. About 5 meters away.

Rushed, I scan the room. There are two doorways – both open from my party's raid – and I rush to the one towards the back of the house, moving away from the footsteps. Few, I release a short breath as I lean against a wall.

Collecting myself, I sneak gently to the staircase. I count two guards near the staircase, one moving around it as the other guards it directly. Waiting as the first guard moves around the other side of the staircase, I quickly drop the second and end them as they return. The heat of blood stings my skin as the smell clouds my nose. I shake the thoughts away.

Ascending the staircase, I find the first door to the first floor heavily guarded. And there'll probably be more inside, I curse. There's no ability to take them one at a time this time. I shake my head as I push down my nerves and jump over the railing towards them.

I hit the first one with a bullet before rolling behind a small indent in the wall. The breath of bullets flings past my face and ring in my ears. There's a short break. Taking the opportunity, I charge forward, shooting one while throwing a knife at the other with my left hand. Both strike true, ending them quickly.

A sharp pain gasps at my upper left arm and my hand instinctively goes to touch it. A warm liquid spreads across my hand and my eyes widen at the realisation. I'm bleeding.

Panic surges up along with my lunch. I lean against the wall, gagging at the horrid taste in my throat. Fuck! I slide down the wall and grab a small bandage out from one of my pockets. Testing the wound with my finger, pain spirals up my body and I wince. It's just a graze, I force myself to wrap the bandage firmly around the cut. The bullet didn't hit anything important, it only tore open a small gap on the side of my arm, I doubt it'll even scar.

I get up. Taking a deep breath, I ready my gun as I ready to breach the room. Here goes nothing!

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now