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Ghost's POV:

Nothing worries me more than knowing Y/N is experiencing the same things as me right now.

Between the traps, guns and other candidates trying to sabotage me, the harsh wind is nothing but punishing.

Genuinely, I'll be surprised if the majority of our classmates make it out alive from this. But, as I push on, I can feel my body weakening.

Within the first minute of scaling this monster of a cliff, I'd managed to spring a fucking wire trap and – by the time I'd gotten to the top and checked out the injury I received – my ankle has swollen like a balloon.

Frustrated, I doubt I treated it right but, I'm on a time limit.

As my thoughts return to the challenge ahead, I notice a steeper hill which would probably be easier to navigate than scaling cliffs however, flora means easier traps to hide.

I don't have any more time to waste so, with rocks embedded in my fingertips, I continue to climb.

It feels like hours of agony.

I never thought I'd say this but, that strategy exam really was easy compared to this torture. I mean, I'm 6'8 and even I can barely reach the ledges on the mountainsside; if I were to fall, I'd be done for.

Please hang in, Y/N.

König's POV:

I can hear my own breathing. Although, nothing about my strategy to get up this accursed mountain has been stealthy.

Yet, I still haven't encountered anyone.

Hopefully, that doesn't mean that the people who started near me are well- Dead.

I'm sure they're just being precautious...

Fog visualises my breath as the mountain climb slowly comes to an end. There's little to no flora here so we're basically right in the open but, on top of that the fucking rocks are slippery from snow.

Y/N was smart to make us wear shoes with good grip, Hackbeil-Schatz.

Unfortunately for everyone, the very last stretch of this climb is one, very large and slippery scale.

As I approach, I look closer. No signs of traps but... Those are Y/N's knives.

A mix of feelings wash through me. She's ahead, which is good, and she's managed to work around her limitations. But, as my eyes follow the trail of knives, I notice drips of blood frozen to the rocks.

Scheiße (Shit).

Rushing up the mountain, not another thought runs through my mind. The knives basically snap as I put pressure on them, forcing me to work faster, climb faster.

I can feel my heart drum in my chest as each deadly second passes. Shit, shit, shit.

After agonising seconds, I make it to the end of the cliff and my hands hook on the top as the knives under my feet snap; I'm left hanging.

A moment passes as I catch my breath. But quickly, I'm rushed into a panic again.

I hear her, clearly screaming at someone to back off.

Swinging my leg up the edge I crawl up as fast as I can manage, just to be greeted by Hassan, falling off the ledge and almost taking me with him.

"Shit! König," Y/N squeaks as she trudges towards me, one hand covering an open wound on her other arm and a severe lip to her right leg.

Shifting up to her, I move to support her side. "Fuck, are you okay?"

She nods, attempting to move away.

"Sorry," there's a wince in her words. "I almost hit you off with him."

Gently moving her towards the finish line, I assure her, "It's perfectly fine. It is a competition after all."

"Says the one carrying me," Y/N scoffs, despite the gratitude in her tone.

As we make it to the very end, she stops. "You win," a forced smile hides her injured pride.

But before I can respond, an angry voice yells, "You fucking whore!"

My heartbeat picks up at the incoming enemy and instantly, I rush – dragging Y/N behind me – to where the helicopter is resting, waiting for cadets.

Without another thought, I shove her into the heli and slam the door behind me, locking Hassan out.

"Idiot," Y/N scolds as Rowan stares me down from the front, writing names on a sheet of paper.

Annoyingly, Hassan begins to bang against the door like an outraged animal. Rowan groans, "Let him in."

This is gonna be a fun flight...

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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