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I'm scared.

Luckily, I've managed to work out most of the details for the exam but I can never be perfectly sure. We've prepared as best as possible – with the time given – but I can't stop overthinking.

Nevertheless, there's nothing more I can do now.

Isobel still hasn't gotten the hand of climbing but... She's got everything else decently. As for the others – they should be fine.

So, now, we're being taken to the test – blinded – and anxiety from everyone is high. We're supplied with a backpack of supplies including some bandages and medicine and a radio to call for help (which also counts as forfeiting) but it's a 20-minute exam, so I doubt we'll use much of it.

Feeling the aircraft lower, my jaw clenches and anticipation runs wild through me.

We've been split up – scattered around the base of the mountain – but, my anxiety spikes as my blindfold comes off and I wobbly climb out of the helicopter.

It's rocky, just as I expected and as I look up, the mountain towers over me. Long grass, large plants, shrubs and trees pepper the majority of the left side however, there's almost nothing but steep, rocky cliffs to my right. Towards the top of the mountain, I can see the flora fade off a little, just as I'd expected.

The safer way would be through the trees... The faster way would be scaling that cliff.

Startled, my body swings around to the sound of the heli taking off and my gut really drops.

The test has started.

With one last check of my surroundings, I head off in a light jog – my feet slipping under the loose rocks – towards my left. Reaching the first area of cover, I come to a halt and scan the surroundings once more.

To my right, there's a large tree with a thick bush at its stump. It's a perfect spot to lie and wait for enemies to rush past. The tree is almost centred, which would majorly block the reflection of a scope or any metal; plus the bush for cover allows camouflage.

Shifting my eyes to my left, a curse under my breath. There's no cover, just a few trees with very few lower leaves. Which means there are very few places I can go – if there's someone camping left, which is the main gamble.

Going straight is not an option; there's unsteady ground, too many rocks and leaves that would make shit tons of noise and, again, there's the gamble.

With held breath, I crawl around the back of the right tree. Each movement, each fragment of sound has me waiting – praying – no one heard me.

Finally, I make it around but, faced with a cliff, I stare back wondering if that was the best option.

A crack of a branch startles me and without a thought, I bolt upwards. Not only have I lost my sense of calm, I've lost my stealth, my position and all my surroundings are foreign. By the time I look back and calm down, I realise I could be picked off any fucking moment and drop to the floor.

I have no clue how much time has been wasted, but with that sprint, I made it at least halfway up.

Shit, it's time to hurry.

Ducking and dashing past a few more areas, I make it to the exposed part of the mountain and – despite heaving as I sweat – a chill flows through my spine.

I'm almost there.

Mindlessly, I take another step forward. A wire snaps under my foot.

"Fuck," with a curse, I jump out of the way of a flying arrow. A real, flying arrow that most definitely would've pierced my heart if I hadn't been so short.

Yet, this sting on my cheek drips painfully down to the floor; I don't have time for bandaging a wound in such an annoying area, so I push on.

Trudging up the steepest parts of the cliff, I find a small ledge that is somewhat representative of a path.

It's isolated, and very much exposing but, as long as there are no snipers I should be okay... I hope.

My boots slide against the smooth rock of the ledge and the wind instantly catches on anything it can find. My clothing, hair and backpack start working against me as I'm repetitively slammed into the rocks.

Don't look down, I repeat the words in my head as though they would help but, with one glance all the air is sucked from my lungs and horror replaces air.

No matter what I do, if I fall now... I'm dead.

A/N: I'm so sorry for not posting! I got hyper-fixated on another story I'm writing and forgot to keep everyone updated (It's been like 2 months 😭). I'm sorry about the cliffhangers but I just keep making more so..!

Thank you for your support on my work, it means a lot!

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