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Honestly, staying up all night was the worst possible decision. Yawning in formation is not a good look and the caffeine isn't helping in the slightest. Still, it was worth seeing the betrayal on Ghost's face when he saw me drinking coffee, rather than tea.

"Well you look like shit," Riley snarks a remark, giving a friendly shove.

"Thanks," I deadpan. No sleep and an early formation – along with a shit ton of coffee – tends to do that to someone. I'm only praying that I don't get indigestion.

He scoffs again but leaves it alone, thank the lord.

Unfortunately, I'm still well aware of the uninvited presence guarding me from my right; I wish I could avoid him right now. I'm not entirely sure how I feel – Ghost makes it really hard to hate him – but for now, I'm content with trying. At least, 'till I decide what I want.

It's awkward, although no one – not even König – has mentioned anything but, oblivion is bliss, am I right?

Shifting uncomfortably on her feet, Isobel clears her throat. "Sooo..." She trails off as everyone's eyes immediately turn to her. Honestly, I'm surprised at her audacity. It's not like her to start a conversation, let alone stick her nose where it doesn't belong.

"So what's going on?" Soap blurts out.

I shoot him a death stare, narrowing my eyes as I watch the pure fear wash over his face. He's quick to mask it though, clearing his throat and clarifying, "With the formation, I mean."

My face relaxes, as does his and I shrug, "Not a clue."

"Exams?" Isobel squeaks.

Again, they all turn to me for answers.

My irritation grows. I'm probably just tired but even so, "How should I know? Rowan doesn't tell me anything other than what you get told." I blatantly point it out, loud enough to get the message past my group. "No special treatment here." A few cadets snicker at that.

"Obviously," a commanding voice catches everyone's attention. "I assure everyone, Y/N gets told the exact same everyone else gets told. And the next time I catch someone breaking into her dorm – or anyone else's – everyone involved will lose the rights to their hands."

Well that's a nice threat for the morning, Rowan, and... "Wait what?" I really didn't mean to say that aloud. Ghost's stare catches my eye. He raises an eyebrow saying, "I told you so." And it makes my blood boil.

He's not the only one glaring at me. Rowan is too; it's a deathly harsh stare that pours ice-cold water down my spine. I can feel the beads of sweat forming on the back of my neck.

God, can't these men just leave me alone?

Clearing his throat, Rowan makes his way to the platform for his speech. Whatever it is, I'm certain it's nothing to smile about. "Your first out of the four exams will be today," he declares with no emotion. "It will be a written exam; the only 'safe' exam you will be participating in, so don't waste the opportunity to get easy marks." No emotions my ass, there's a hint of bored irritation in his tone. "Get going," he commands as he turns sassily on his heel.

All cadets stand, staring at where Rowan no longer is, unsure what to do. One by fucking one, heads turn to me till everyone is looking at me. My irritation curls itself into a nice little ball in my stomach, swirling around without a care in the fucking world. I, on the other hand, would love to crawl into a ball and take a nice nap.

That or slit someone's throat.

Shaking my head, I decide murder isn't for today. With a turn on my heel, I walk my way to the lecture hall – which I assume, is where the exams are. Otherwise, I have no clue.

The hall isn't far from formation. However, having a hoard of confused cadets following you doesn't exactly quicken time.


Looking me up and down, Miss Erwood gives me an approving nod and writes something in her notebook – probably my name for attendance or something – before stepping out of the way, letting me inside.

The desk names are in the same order as class so, either they don't care about us cheating off each other or they have a way to stop it. Not that it concerns me much; we only have to pass, it's no shortlist. It probably is a competition though.

As I make my way to my desk near the back of the room, I notice that every desk is set up slightly different. A lot of it is just small things. Some papers are in different orders; some have random items on the desks as well. I'm starting to think this really isn't just an exam.

I reach my desk and my gut drops. There's a knife dug through my papers – each page tilted at a slightly different angle – and I'm pretty sure the knife made its way through my desk.

This is no written exam.

A/N: Hey lovelies! Apologies for the shorter chapter but I really liked that cliffhanger. Anyway, I just wanted to point out that if there are any grammatical errors or something, you can feel free to point them out. 

I'm going to go into a bit of background to Y/N (I apologise but I love traumatising my characters) throughout the next few chapters. These chapters will be entirely in italics so you can tell the difference (sorta like how it's done in the Plated Prisoner Series... If anyone here knows what that is..!). Trigger warnings will be added at the top of chapters when/if I feel it's necessary so... Yeah!

Also, If you have any ideas (for this fic or other fics you might want written) feel free to leave them in the comments or message me through TikTok (my user is the same as my Wattpad user) or through Discord (rayn626789).

I'm debating starting a OneShot collection (to practice writing smut sobs) so feel free to leave opinions on that too. However, updates may be slower because this fic and the other story I'm working on will be my priorities.

Next update: 8th of Jan (2024), 12:00 AM GMT+10

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now