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It's been a month but it's felt like no time at all.

A month of having my ass beat by Ghost in training between classes and I'm finally starting to improve. The bruises up my arms prove that.

Now, we're lined up for information on the next.

"Before I start," Rowan's commanding voice booms above everyone else's. "Miss Erwood has the results from the last test. Listen up!" He steps back and she momentarily takes his place at the centre of the room.

A small mutter sparks but is quickly silenced as Miss Erwood clears her throat. As she reads from the tablet in her hands, everyone listens carefully to the 87 names listed...

Meaning that 53 people failed the "easiest" exam. 53 people, who are going to be desperate to prove themselves from now on.

But our teacher continues like the world couldn't end sooner. "Highest placing students were: König with 80%, Keegan with 87%, James with 92%, Coral and Isobel with 95%, Hassan with 98% and Y/N with 100%." With that, she turns and leaves; all eyes fall on me.

Not once in the records has someone gotten full marks on written exams.

Voices fill the room. From people congratulating me to people accusing me of cheating or Scar of favouritism. It's way too loud.

I know why they did this. Every part of these damned exams is perfectly calculated and fuck, now I've gotten myself in a shitty position. Everyone listed is in a shit position but I seriously doubt anyone is not gonna focus on me.

As the highest-placing cadet so far, everyone's going to watch me. Everyone who isn't a friend is going to see a damn target on my back and worst of all? They're still underestimating me.

I listen to the room grow louder and louder. I doubt any of the squabbling students notice but, Rowan's expression grows irritated.

"That's not good," I mumble to my group as a subtle warning. As their eyes follow mine I pray they get the message. Isobel physically tenses, catching my attention but I realise too late why.

A loud gunshot echoes through the room with a deafening pitch; it rings in my ears.

It feels like I'm going deaf.

Cadets scatter and some freeze. James tries to make a run for it but Ghost is quick to react, pulling him back in place.

"Dude what the-"

Ghost's hushed, harsh tone runs over his words, "You can't just bolt the second you hear a shot."

My eyes widen as it all clicks. "It was a test. There are other tests outside the 4..." The realisation hits fucking hard.

The reason they cut class times and restricted contact to superiors, the reason they read out the names and the reason Rowan didn't give a shit about pulling a bullet in an acoustic room. It's all to demonstrate a real mission.

Restricted contact, having to be prepared on missions; reading out names, a targets list and the gunshot is damned obvious.

Some cadets slowly pile back into the room, fear resonating in their posture but this time, instead of analysing Rowan or Miss Erwood, I'm looking for the easiest targets.

Half the students still haven't re-entered. There's a group of girls hiding behind the chairs – like that's gonna stop a bullet – while peaking around; a few of them stare up at me.

We stand steady but weary; not cockily but not fearful – except for maybe james.

Pissed, Rowan details the second exam to those of us present before storming out with a twist of his heel.

It's a 5 minute race up a mountain we've never explored before. Assumingly, this exam is to test fitness, agility and endurance but I know that's not all of it.

If it's to replicate proper terrain navigation... I bet there will be traps and probably some guns too.

Personally, I think this is where the real challenges start. Mumbles fill the room as we file out and I follow behind Ghost and König mindlessly.

My planning has to start now.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now