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"Your mask..." My words falter as the darkness of my closed eyes sends my balance off and I pull against Ghost, steadying myself.

Ghost's never taken off his mask – aside from when he slept facing the wall – and now... He probably wasn't expecting people to be around, I remind myself. I can't get the image out of my head. Though my eyes are shut, I still see his hair ruffling in the wind; the moonlight catching on the muscles of his angular jaw and his eyes. Sure, I've seen his sky-blue eyes before... But never like that. His eyes fucking glowed in the light and it was entrancing.

The air between us is tense. While Ghost has never explained his reasons for the mask, it feels like an invasion of his privacy to see him like this, right now. He isn't saying anything either, which doesn't help.

There's a slight tug on my wrist and I hesitate to move. I slipped when I had my eyes open, how would I move with them shut? Carefully, I slide my feet against the tiles as I move towards him but I don't hear him moving.

Feeling breath on my face, my gut drops. I'm right in front of him... Aren't I? The temptation to open my eyes is like a fucking moth to a flame. I want to open them, I want to see him and I'd really like to be able to see where I'm moving but...

"Open your eyes," his voice is a low grumble and I feel my stomach do a flip.

"I- But," I stutter.

He groans, "Please."

Relenting, I crack open my eyes and stare. I stare at well- All of his face and, embarrassingly enough, I'm pretty sure my mouth's open like a gaping fish. But, now that I've taken in the sharp features of his face, I stare into his crystal eyes. They're... Pretty. He's got that look in his eyes – the soft one I've only ever seen a few other times; Ghost has lovely long eyelashes too.

The clouds cruelly move back over the moon – hiding its light once more – and a traitorous sigh escapes my lips. My neck hurts from looking up though, so I guess it's good I'm not staring anymore. Also, it was embarrassing; I just couldn't rip my gaze from his.

The tiles start rocking beneath Ghost's feet as he turns away again. Awkwardly, I follow, not sure what else there is for me to do since he's dragging me along. One step at a time, until the agonising walk is over; one step at a time.


Ghost stops. "We're here."

As if on cue, the moon comes out again to shine on us but, when my eyes move to look at Ghost I find his eyes already on me. Without breaking eye contact, he sits down on what looks like a flat part of the roof and pats for me to sit next to him. It's a very small space – probably just enough for two people – and I squish myself to the edge as I take a seat, well aware of every part of my body that's touching his. Just as I am well aware of the silence spreading between us; I'm not sure if we can talk or if that might risk us getting caught.

Moving his attention from me to the clouded night sky, Ghost takes a deep breath. "I have a request." With a small wince, he adds, "Though, it may be a little selfish."

I trace his gaze to the sky, trying to hide the peak in my interest. "I'm listening." A selfish request sounds like something personal and trusting, I geek to myself.

"I want you to lean on me, like you did in the forest," rushing through the words, Ghost clumsily blurts out the sentence.

Startled, I squeak and stutter over my words as I fail to form a sentence. However, I manage to get out the word, "Why?"

A thick chuckle works its way through Ghost's lips. "Because you put too much pressure on yourself," he answers simply. I still have no clue what to say, so I just stare. "Take today for instance," Ghost offers. "You freaked because you realised everyone's lives are at stake and chose to bear that burden on your own. If you're worried that your plan isn't gonna work, or you overlooked something, or hell if you just want assurance: I want you to ask me, talk to me. Please lean on me, Y/N."

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now