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"All cadets are dismissed," Officer Rowan says sternly at the end of our physical training lesson. Everyone seems relieved at the time off, classes have been strict recently due to the fact that cadets are being temporarily sent to early service. My body is tense. "Y/N, with me." He calls as I stand to leave, "There's 10 minutes till briefing and we'll need to gather whomever you've chosen for your team."

He walks quickly, leading me to his office and closing the door behind me. "You better have chosen well," He warns with an irritated tone.

With a short breath, I answer his unasked question, Not that I actually have to. "König, Ghost, Soap and Keegan."

Rowan raises an eyebrow at me approvingly before returning to his 'game face', which is usually just irritation around me. "Get my best students killed and you'll be cleaning the bathrooms for months," He threatens. Ew, I wince and nod. "Now get going."

Walking out of the room, I head to the lecture room for the briefing. I'll have less than 24 hours to make a plan, I curse Scar for being as little help as physically possible. "König, Ghost, Soap and Keegan, come to the lecture room at once." Officer Rowan calls on the speakers, Even fucking Rowan's more helpful than our fucking psycho of a general!


Once the others arrive, Officer Rowan alongside Miss Erwood explain – and explain – the task at hand as well as the resources available. Essentially, my team will rendezvous with Captain Price to assist in a two building sweep in hopes of finding Makarov in order to discover the locations of stolen missiles. We'll have heli support for each team and access to any weapons on location.

"So, when do we leave?" Ghost asks, turning to me.

"Uh- I-" I glance at Rowan, unsure how to answer.

"An hour," He answers for me. "Get your asses dressed and to the helipad before you're late. Your uniforms should be just outside your dorms by now."

"Yes sir," the 5 of us respond and turn to leave the room.


Making my way to the helipad, I run into König and Ghost. They're both dressed in camo, a belt of pockets spread across their waist and a bulletproof vest covers their chests, standard uniform. On their heads, they have a headset as well as a pair of night vision goggles. Additionally, they have their desired armour pads and any other accessories they added themselves as well as their signature masks – Ghost's skull mask and König's draping cloth. They look good, My cheeks flush with heat before I can shake off the feeling.

For a fleeting moment, I find myself self-conscious at the difference of my uniform. I wear black cargo pants with an assortment of knives, bombs and ammo scattered in the pocks – I have each pocket memorised of course – as well as a tight long-sleeved black shirt. A leather corset holds several more knives and a leather strap on my thigh holds the only gun I have equipped. It's a small pistol equipped with a silencer for stealth, made of black metal to fit the theme. I probably look like a fucking assassin, not a soldier. I groan, Not that there's much difference.

My clothing is lightweight, with minimal protection. I assume since my uniform isn't standard, Scar requested it directly and honestly... It's perfect for me. I feel my anxiety dwindle down slightly, sure I could be killed with a single hit, But they'll have to hit me first.

"You ready?" Ghost asks, pulling me from my daze. Out of everyone here, he is the last person I expected to be concerned for me. I sigh, At least he's cool headed. Unlike me.

I nod, "Yeah.." My voice gives away my nerves.

"Y-You look good," König stutters quietly. He holds himself well even though his voice is a rack of nerves. Scars words repeat in my head, "The rookies need a leader."

With a deep breath, I get over myself. "Let's get going, the helicopters leaving in 5," I order before turning on my heel.

Soap greets me with a nod as I get to the heli. "We're ready when you are, Captain," Keegan announces as he walks over. Captain... I hesitate at the new title.

"Wheels up in 2," the pilot announces out the door, before returning to his controls.

"let's go then," I climb up into the bay of the helicopter.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now