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Ghost's POV:

"You're wrong!" She screams in my face as her eyes begin to water. I'm struck by a wave of confusion.

Instantly, she bolts. Running away from König and me with such speed I barely see her go. Fuck, I curse myself as I realise how badly I fucked up. My heart aches at the feeling of guilt that clogs my throat.

König grabs the collar of my shirt and shoves me against the wall. "The fuck was that for?" He demands, his voice full of protective rage. I can't think. I push against him, shoving him off me before sprinting in the direction Y/N ran.

My breathing's heavy. Thousands of eyes watch me as I sprint through the courtyard, I pray she went this way. Reaching the oval, I catch a glimpse of a black figure rushing into the bushes. Y/N, I stupidly pray she hears me calling out for her in my head.

Desperately, I sprint after her with everything I have, knowing I could lose her at any moment in the bush. If I haven't already. I run through the bush, chasing the sound of leaves rattling. The sound dwindles to a stop.

"Fuck!" I kick at the dirt, realising not only that I've lost her, but that I myself am lost. I place my hand against my face as the images of her fear, of her eyes watering flood my brain. It hurts to see her like that. It hurts more knowing it was my fault.

I press forward, hoping I can find some trace of her to track. Within the leaves, I find small pieces of her hair along with scrapes of blood on nearby branches. My gut drops. "Y/N!" I call out desperately, Fuck! Please no! I pray for her safety as I quickly follow the trickle of blood on the forest floor.

My heartbeat threatens to beat out of my chest, I could never forgive myself if she got hurt because of me.

"Y/N!" I call out again, knowing even if she heard it's unlikely she'd reply.

The sound of soft sobbing catches my attention. I follow it. "Y/N?" I try to make my voice sound gentle.

I stare as I find her leaned up against a small tree stump, curled in a ball and crying. She looks up at me with puffy eyes. Her clothes are completely ruined and she has small cuts all over her skin. Stumbling away from me, her eyes widen with fear.

I crouch down next to her, my heart aching with guilt. "Hey," My voice cracks. Impulsively, I reach out to her cheek in an attempt to wipe her tears.

"Touch me and you die," Her voice trembles as she pulls a knife from her thigh. I'm taken aback by her threat, but I pull back my hand.

I lower my head in defeat, "I'm sorry." There is so much more I want to say. Questions I want to ask, but that is all I can manage as the lump in my throat prevents me from saying more. My voice is just as shaky as hers and I pray I sound genuine. I never meant to hurt you, I want to say... But I'd be lying.

We stare at each other in silence, both lost in our own thoughts.

I hate myself. I wanted her to hurt. I wanted to get between her and König because I was jealous. This is all my fault. I want to tell her that, but I can't.

After a long moment, Y/N tries to stand. She stumbles to the ground and winces, grabbing her left arm.

My eyes widen, "You're hurt." I scoff at my stupidity, Of course she's hurt, her body is covered fully of cuts. But this seems to be more than that.

"It's nothing," She pushes away from me.

My fists tighten, Why does this hurt so much?! I question myself, I'm not even the one that's injured! Carefully, I inch closer to her. "I won't hurt you," I assure her in hopes she'll let me help her.

"You already have!" She snaps back at me, her eyes tearing up again.

"Y/N," The sound of her name lingers in my ears. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I'm completely defeated. I have to say something, I take a deep breath. "Can you walk?"

Slowly she shakes her head and I curse myself. "I'm going to pick you up," I move closer to her. "Please don't stab me, alright?" I force a laugh.

Y/N tries to crawl away from me, but she doesn't get far. As gently as I possibly can, I place one hand around her waist and lift her up to me, placing my other arm under her legs. My heart sparks at the feeling of her skin on mine.

Panicked, She tries to push off me. "It's okay," I try to assure her. She's trembling, I notice.

"Let me go!" She screams, pushing against me with all her might. Sighing in defeat, I place her back down against the tree stump. Sure I could haul her back to campus against her will, but that isn't what I want.

Y/N blinks at me in confusion, tears streaming down her cheeks. I lean against the tree stump at her side. "Why are you so scared?" I wince at the harshness of my tone.

Her eyes glaze over her fear with a tint of hatred. "Why the fuck do you think?" She demands but doesn't wait for an answer. "Do you think it's fun having rumours about you being a whore spread about you is fun?! Do you think it's fun having men overpower simply cuz they can?!" Her voice echoes with hatred as she layers question after question without getting an answer.

My mind goes back to her response to my accusations, "You're wrong!" It lingers in my thoughts for a while before I realise what actually happened. A surge of guild spreads up through my throat and I gag. "You were-" I stutter. I can't even get the words out. How could I possibly know what she's going through? I curse myself.

Y/N hides her head between her legs again. I've been absolutely horrible to her...

Not trusting myself to open my mouth again, I sit at her side while she cries. It's agonising to see her this distressed, as selfish as that may sound. I have no clue how long we sit there, but I'm sure it's getting darker.

"Y/N," I speak cautiously. "We need to go. Safer to be lost in the light than the dark," I offer her a hand to help her up.

Still trembling, she takes my hand. I pull her up to her feet but she falls onto me as she tries to move. "Shit," she curses. Instinctively, I grab her waist to steady her. My face reddens under my mask as I feel just how thin she is. How fragile she is.

I loosen my grip, hoping I haven't stressed her out any further, but we need to get out of here, whether she can walk or not. "May I?" I ask gently.

With a sigh, she nods, still refusing to talk or even look at me. I brace my hand under her legs and around her waist, lifting her up to my chest. Her arms curl around my neck as she clings to me, burying her head in my collar. My heart flutters at the sensation. I have no right to feel this way about her, I remind myself.

"That way," Y/N points with one finger. Maybe she isn't lost, I hope.

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