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"First," I start, not bothering to keep my voice down. "When did I become 'leader'" – I make quotation marks with my fingers – "of... This group?" Looking expectantly between my friends, I watch them flinch at my gaze and soften it. I really didn't mean to come off that intimidating, at least Ghost and König don't flinch.

"Well, you were the leader for that mission and... It kinda just stuck?" Soap answers with the same certainty of uncertainty.

"And you're good at it," Keegan adds.

"Uh-" I stutter from the compliment. Or at least I think it was a compliment, right? "Okay," quietly, I admit defeat. It's not like I have much of a choice since they've all decided anyway.

Moving on, I grab out my notebook and a pen to write what I know – and what I've assumed – about the tests.

They're not exams, they're tests.

There will most likely be a written test (probably the easiest), a combat task, some sort of teamwork task, information gathering and/or infiltration.

They'll be testing everything we've learnt but in a particle way so that we'll have to adapt to new conditions.

I hand the paper to Ghost and stand from my seat to go get a lighter. Ghost keeps one with his stuff and I'm sure he won't mind...

"Don't touch my stuff." Or not.

Sighing, I ask, "Can I borrow your lighter?"

He hands the paper to König, who reads it and hands it to someone else but I don't catch who since Ghost starts walking towards me. He still has that... Stalking feeling to him whenever he approaches me and I step back cautiously. My pulse spikes too.

In response, Ghost tilts his head at me and steps back – giving me space. "It's in the front pocket of my bag," he instructs before moving back towards the group. Said group is staring at us with eager eyes.

"Keep eyeing me like that and I'll sell your eyes on the black market," I warn with an annoyed click of my tongue. Following Ghost's directions, I'm painfully aware of how intensely he's staring at me so I make finding his lighter as quick as possible. Front pocket, I tell myself in an attempt to focus. The heat of his gaze is well... Fucking burning.

After what feels like forever – though it was probably less than a minute – I recover the lighter and scoot my way back to the table.

"Is this safe?" Isobel squeaks as I hold the paper above the flame.

"Probably not," I shrug. "But nothing I do is safe sooo," the flame dances up the paper towards my fingers and I move so that I'm holding only the tip of the paper. There was a reason I only wrote in the middle of the page; when the flame climbs its way past the ink, I wave it out. Now, nothing but the tip of the page and a pile of ashes is left for whoever tries to find out what I know. Though, on my part, nothing I know is confirmed. It's probable that everyone else in my grade thinks I was told. I wasn't, but that won't matter to them.

And that's that. 

Everyone stays for a while but one by one, they leave until it's just back to Ghost, König and me. It's much quieter this way. Studying at our table has become almost a daily thing for us to just relax and, as much as we get on each other's nerves, it's always a safe space. I don't really know when we started this, but I'm glad we did either way.

"When are you gonna stop insisting on being with me every second of every day?" I ask mostly Ghost, but König too, out of pure curiosity.

"Never," Ghost answers dryly. A part of me ignites at the answer, but not in anger.

Although, another part of me does ignite in anger. "You can't baby me on a battlefield," I clip with a huff.

A laugh leaves König's lips, "Watch him."

Closing my book, I catch both of their attention fully as I stand and move towards my bed. I sigh since said bed is supposed to be Ghosts and I can't get that thought out of my head, but he insists on me having it no matter what I say.

I let myself flop onto the side of the bed, content on getting some rest and hopefully no nightmares. But there's a pressure on my shoulders, one that wasn't there – or at least wasn't as strong as it is now – compared to this morning. Having to recover from my injuries has set me back at least a year and now to just spring exams on us out of nowhere? It's going to be four months of hell, that's for sure. And I'm officially the leader of the group, which means I have to well- Lead, I groan internally at the thought.

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts and I'm pretty sure both König and Ghost saw my soul jump out of my body.

"Is Y/N with you?" A voice muffles through the wood – Rowan's voice.

"She's here," Ghost opens the door slightly, as though he were expecting an attack.

A letter is handed to him – another letter for me – and they say their goodbyes. I didn't even get to say anything, it was all handled between them and I feel... Useless? I think that's the right word at least.

Opening the letter, Ghost hands it to me. "It's from Price and no it's not rigged," he teases gently. I don't think I'm ever going to get used to how he notices – and remembers – every minor detail and adjusts to it. Though, I'm pretty sure he only does it for me.

It's sweet. 

Shaking the annoying twist of my stomach, I bring myself out of my thoughts.

"Thanks," I hesitate to look at it.

A/N: Next update: 17th of Dec, 12:00 AM GMT+10

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