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"Painkillers," Ghost reminds me irritatingly as he throws the packet at me.

Swivelling on my chair, I turn to face the bastard. I swear he feels like a nagging brother. "Y'know," I start, showing my irritation in my voice. "Sometimes I really can't stand you," I clip at him. It's not actually his fault I'm annoyed. I've just been staring at this damned letter all afternoon, still refusing to open it.

"It's lucky you're sitting then," Ghost mocks as he moves closer to me, placing a glass of water on the table for me.

Sighing, I crack some tension out of my neck and take the pills; they're lower calibre than the ones I had for the first month, but they're enough to keep me going. "Happy?" I raise an eyebrow at him as I bang the glass back on the table – not hard enough to break it though.

Ghost scoffs as he sits next to me. "You know it'll just get harder to open it if you leave it any longer," He points out the obvious.

I sigh again, aware of that minor detail, but I still can't bring myself to open it. Noticing my defeat, Ghost pulls the letter out from my sight and opens it before placing it back in front of me. "There," He offers gently.

I groan as I pick up the paper.


I'm well aware I was rude toward you and I'd like to apologise. I looked up your file after our mission together since you were nothing like I'd assumed you'd be, and I'm very sorry. I had no clue and, although I found out without your permission, I hope we can come to an understanding.

Thank you for rescuing me, and assisting my teammates during a time of need. You are truly skilled, never forget that.

I thought I'd let you know that our mission was a complete success and the missiles have been dismantled – no one was hurt. I've sent both General Scar and Officer Rowan a letter, praising you, so if there was any degression towards you, that should help sort it out.

I look forward to working with you and your teammates in the future.


I take a shaky breath, processing the details of the letter. Ghost's eyes linger on me with both concern and curiosity, so I hand him the note – since it isn't all that personal – to read himself. I can't tell if I feel relieved or not that I finally read it. Honestly, I just feel unnerved; I don't know exactly what's in my file but I'm sure it at least vaguely explains the reasons for the actions I took. Scar dragged those answers out of me, since he knew a little about me from his soldiers and never expected me to kill them. Till I did. At first, he thought I was a traitor. But why kill the enemy after they complete their mission?

Ultimately, Scar was impressed by my skills – since I escaped captivity and killed several of his men at once – and put me here. As long as I'm helping people, I'm content. That's exactly why I hate being here – training isn't helping anyone. Not yet, at least.

"Do I get to read?" König asks as he hovers behind me, finally back from his shower. I nod as Ghost looks at me for permission. As observant as they both are, it seems neither of them really noticed how Price treated me differently but that's probably since it was their first time on the field.

"Do you reckon Scar would let him pull you out of the academy? Like put you on the field?" König asks as he hands the letter back. The question would be an obvious "no" – if it wasn't me.

I answer honestly, "Not sure." Scar put me here for two reasons – that I know of – to learn to obey orders and because I'm too young to legally be put on a team, permanently at least. Considering that, "I don't think Price would, though." I know Price doesn't love the rules, but he's always tried to keep innocent people out of this shit. I know that now he seesme as a victim, too.

Sighing again, I stand up to go to my dorm. I want to sleep.

"And you're going where?" Ghost raises an eyebrow at me, cockily.

"To bed," I answer dryly.

Clicking his tongue in irritation, Ghost shakes his head. "If I can break into your dorm easily, I don't trust that Hassan can't. You're staying here," He demands.

"You broke into her room..?" König asks, probably for clarification but also defensively.

"Yeah, what!?" I add.

Throwing up his hands in surrender, Ghost defends, "I was just testing it."

Narrowing my eyes into slits, I death stare him. "You could've y'know- Asked," I clip, annoyed I didn't even know. He must've done it while I was asleep, which scares me more knowing I didn't wake up to the sound.

Ghost maintains eye contact – turning my death stare into a contest – before he sighs and accepts defeat. "You're safer here," He ignores our accusations and moves to his new, makeshift bed in the corner of the room. It's basically just a few sheets and a pillow. I thought he made it cause of the few times I fell asleep while helping them study, not because he was planning to force me to move in with them.

"I'm too tired for this," I sigh as walk over and flop on Ghost's bed. "Good night."

A/N: I'm going to go back to posting once a week (hopefully) since I'm currently more focused on an original romance I'm writing however, depending on how quickly I write chapters or not, the timeframe may change. I will do my best to keep you informed on whatever decisions I make. 

Thank you to everyone who's reading my work, I appreciate you all! I am aware that it's taking a while to get into the actual romance part (that's because I had a little too much fun with the fighting scenes) but I promise you it is coming <3.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now